A Conversation for Technical Feedback

Technical account question

Post 1

Oolon Flux

I have been using this forum for several years and over the course of time there have been changes that forced me to recreate myself. Currently, I have three accounts but only know the password for one of them. I was wondering if I can have my two older accounts merged into my current account?

My current account is oolonflux #559546
My other accounts are 150313 and 218247

Any help would be lovely. (-;

Thanks - Oolon

Technical account question

Post 2


Accounts can't be merged. You might (with sufficient proof of identity) ask for a re-issue of passwords or for ownership of articles to be transferred. However, some old accounts can't now be made to work with SSO and it is usually easier just to start another copy of an article if you left something behind on which you were still working.

Technical account question

Post 3

Oolon Flux

What would be sufficient proof of identity?? You can link to my personal website from all three personal space pages. I could prvide you with a list of old e-mail addresses.... what would I have to do?


Technical account question

Post 4

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

The best thing to do would be to email h2g2 DOT support AT bbc DOT co DOT uk with all your account numbers, password and any email addresses you may have been registered under plus any other details and see if they can help smiley - ok

Replace DOT with . and AT with @ and no spaces of course smiley - winkeye

Technical account question

Post 5

Oolon Flux

Thanks! I'll try that!

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