A Conversation for Technical Feedback
How long have entry lists not included personal spaces?
Whisky Started conversation Mar 30, 2004
Just noticed something, at one time you could find the A number of a personal space and the date it was created by looking at the bottom of someones list of entries...
It seems to have disappeared
Is this something that happened months ago, a bug, a new feature or just me going blind?
How long have entry lists not included personal spaces?
Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive Posted Mar 30, 2004
How long have entry lists not included personal spaces?
Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive Posted Mar 30, 2004
How long have entry lists not included personal spaces?
SEF Posted Mar 30, 2004
No, it was there yesterday when I looked at someone's page because they were having trouble. You had just got so used to seeing lots of articles in people's lists that you couldn't see the PS at or near the bottom. The A-number is still on the page if you know where to look though.
How long have entry lists not included personal spaces?
Whisky Posted Mar 30, 2004
Figured out how to see the A number itself (hover over the complaints button), but just found it an easy way of figuring out roughly how long someone's been registered.
I don't suppose any of your many statistics pages include one that gives dates of arrival against U number does it SEF?
How long have entry lists not included personal spaces?
SEF Posted Mar 30, 2004
People get A-numbers automatically these days unless the U-number account is not really on dna at all but another part of BBCi. So the page itself displays the date since SSO (again if you know where to look). Previously it merely showed the date on which they bothered to make a PS while NewUsers gave different date information. Now that the email has to be verified again there is a discrepancy between U-number order and timing.
I don't have that many stats pages. The set from A2144800 backwards is probably the one you mean. For more direct account tracking information you might be thinking of Spelugx's hoobot data.
How long have entry lists not included personal spaces?
Mina Posted Mar 31, 2004
I get annoyed when tools I use are removed without comment.
How long have entry lists not included personal spaces?
Jim Lynn Posted Mar 31, 2004
There was plenty of comment, mostly along the lines of "Why is the personal space included in the list of entries, that's confusing our users and makes no sense".
If you want to know when a personal space was created, and you're using Brunel, it's there anyway - right above the page title.
How long have entry lists not included personal spaces?
Whisky Posted Mar 31, 2004
"If you want to know when a personal space was created, and you're using Brunel, it's there anyway - right above the page title"
Ok, so I'm stoopid!
How long have entry lists not included personal spaces?
Jim Lynn Posted Mar 31, 2004
Not really - I was all set to add it to the stylesheet until I noticed it there. I'd completely forgotten it was there.
How long have entry lists not included personal spaces?
Mina Posted Apr 1, 2004
I must be blind because I can't see it Jim.
In that case I'll rephrase my complaint to say 'I get annoyed when tools I use are removed without comment from me'
If it's on the page it's better than having to dig down through what can be long lists of entries. I guess being a long time user I use things in a different way to the newer DNA Editors.
How long have entry lists not included personal spaces?
Whisky Posted Apr 1, 2004
Mina - top left hand corner of the white part of someone's personal space, just above the GML Title
How long have entry lists not included personal spaces?
Mina Posted Apr 1, 2004
Can you 'copy and paste' it from your (or mine) space Whisky? I still can't see it.
We're definitely talking about Brunel?
How long have entry lists not included personal spaces?
Whisky Posted Apr 1, 2004
Your page:
Created: 22nd January 2002
For those of you who don't know me I work for the BBC as part of the Connect team. This means that it's my job to help people connect with each other ....
My Page:
Created: 20th July 2001
Whisky (-1+8)*(0+6)+4-4=42
**hands Mina a Pair of dark glasses and a white stick**
Nevermind my dear, it's terrible what age does to you isn't it...
How long have entry lists not included personal spaces?
Mina Posted Apr 1, 2004
I'd misread what Jim had said - I thought he said the A number was on there, not the date created.
I'll just crawl under this stone...
Key: Complain about this post
How long have entry lists not included personal spaces?
- 1: Whisky (Mar 30, 2004)
- 2: Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive (Mar 30, 2004)
- 3: Whisky (Mar 30, 2004)
- 4: Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive (Mar 30, 2004)
- 5: Whisky (Mar 30, 2004)
- 6: SEF (Mar 30, 2004)
- 7: Whisky (Mar 30, 2004)
- 8: SEF (Mar 30, 2004)
- 9: Mina (Mar 31, 2004)
- 10: Whisky (Mar 31, 2004)
- 11: Mina (Mar 31, 2004)
- 12: Jim Lynn (Mar 31, 2004)
- 13: Whisky (Mar 31, 2004)
- 14: Jim Lynn (Mar 31, 2004)
- 15: Mina (Apr 1, 2004)
- 16: Whisky (Apr 1, 2004)
- 17: Mina (Apr 1, 2004)
- 18: Whisky (Apr 1, 2004)
- 19: Mina (Apr 1, 2004)
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