A Conversation for Technical Feedback
Broken link to "terms of use" fails to inform users
Martin Harper Started conversation Dec 27, 2006
In Alabaster:
> "Remember, when you contribute to the Guide you are giving the BBC permission to use your contribution in a variety of ways. See the Terms of use for more information."
The phrase "Terms of use" links here:
This article is deleted.
Yeay for the legal fiction of informed consent!
(on the plus side, the terms of use link at the bottom of the page still works)
Broken link to "terms of use" fails to inform users
Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired Posted Dec 27, 2006
Traveller in Time digging
"Was it not this forum, about a Danda ago someone mentioned the differences between the legal pages. This eventually resulted in several long standing pages to be deleted . . . "
Broken link to "terms of use" fails to inform users
Smij - Formerly Jimster Posted Dec 30, 2006
Which page does that appear on, Lucinda?
Broken link to "terms of use" fails to inform users
aka Bel - A87832164 Posted Dec 30, 2006
It's the link below the reply box. (in brunel, at least)
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Broken link to "terms of use" fails to inform users
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