A Conversation for Technical Feedback


Post 1


When I click on the post journal button, it's taking me to Preview instead. Even once I've previewed, it does the same thing...
What's up? Please fix!


Post 2

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit on his head
"What you see is the profanity filther kicking in, one of the words you used in the Journal entry is concidered profane. It can be many character combinations and it is unknown what words trigger the filther.

However you are still lucky, the filther is known to drop the entire Journal for words that might be profane, then you have not a clue of what did happen, your journal vanishes (temporary removed for refferal by a host) completely.

Read your journal scanning for words that can be concidered bad language. "


Post 3


Right, thanks for that... I guess the word B0110cks in the subject might be the problem....

Conservative BBC nonsense...

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