A Conversation for Technical Feedback
dud U numbers
Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted Started conversation Dec 26, 2003
These three accounts are appearing with no 'discuss this entry' button
U542730 U550740U550745
not sure why, I have tried them twice over 24 hours and they are still the same.
Just thought I would mention it
dud U numbers
Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted Posted Dec 26, 2003
even bigger Going via the links above they work, however when adding the U numbers in the URL they didn't work. Showed up everything as an unedited page except no 'discuss' button.
If it happens again I will let you know
dud U numbers
Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted Posted Dec 26, 2003
When i use spelugx's unaced list i just change the U number in another browser to go through the pages to check they have been aced, and that is when it happened
s in the machine!
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dud U numbers
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