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U34006U49276U50987U39354U37819U48625U25843U47421U47421U50578U40408GNATS: General term that is given to a variety of smaller flies. Some feed on the blood of animals, including human beings, giving a painful bite. Others do not bite and feed on vegetation or waste. Flies love human waste, not only can they feed on it, they use it as a breeding ground, that and stagnated water are their favourites. The way in which the gnats eat can vary depending on what they feed on, but in most cases they stick their nose like mouth into the food and suck the juices out like sucking liquid through a straw. The following is just one way these

insects can and do affect our lives.

Just imagine being out for the day on a family picnic. The sun is shining for a change and there is a spectacular display of food set out which would be fit for a King. The birds are given in song as everybody gets ready to sit around and tuck into the masterfully prepaired feast.

Could anything spoil such an idyllic setting? Oh Gnats! They strike, flying in like angels straight from hell. Whilst looking around, everything seems to be at peace, but by looking up it can be seen that the Midges or Gnats are swarming there poised and ready for the attack.

Will they fly onto a sandwich as a bite is to be taken? Perhaps they will land on a naked brow, which is fresh with the perspiration from fear of what they may do.

Could it be that these six legged, two winged fiends (which buzz around and above the head) can find us by an evil and clever homing device? move and they follow, like a spy plane following a target. Some scientists believe they home in on the scent of animals and humans like a tiger seaching for its prey. If this is the case, try running down wind in the hope they lose the scent and thus aiding the return of that idyllic setting. There is a major flaw with this which is this: By managing to elude them there will be thousands of their friends lined up and ready to take their place. Some chemists have devised fly repellents which may be available in sprays, roll ons or in stick form which can be sprayed or rubbed onto the brow and other exposed areas of the skin. How affective these are is a matter of conjecture, and experimentation my be required.

One thing is for sure, they are here to stay and unfortunately they are something we shall all have to live with. The Midges are also from the Fly family, and look like tiny mosquitoes which are their distant cousins, but true Midges do not bite. These insects often appear at dusk in large numbers. Some people have not heard of Midges and may call them Gnats - both are correct as Gnats (as previously outlined) is a general term for small

flies. Contrary to popular belief, some are not really Midges, they include the Sand Flies which are often called 'biting midges' and found mainly close to water. Their bite can be very painful. Just remember - when having a picnic close to water - beware !

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