The Yuuzhan Vong

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The Yuuzhan Vong have been a space faring race for at least 100,000 years. In those years, they have literally grown and developed new and better ways of making war on people. In all of their time in space they have conquered not only their own galaxy, but twelve others.

Humble beginnings

The Yuuzhan Vong began life on the brutal planet of Yuuzhan-Tar, where everything is viscously predetory. The Yuuzhan Vong believe in several gods who dismembered and disfugured themselves to make the universe. The Yuuzhan Vong also believe that they should do likewise in order to keep in the good graces of the gods. Thier religous zeal has also lead them to believe that any technology of an in-organic nature is evil and heresy, and must be dealt with by destruction.

A threat to galaxies

The Yuuzhan Vong believe that the gods have promised them a "home galaxy". This galaxy happens to be the core galaxy of the United Intergalactic Imperium, who very much wants to stay in control of their galaxy. The Yuuzhan Vong have had 13 galaxies to train for war in. Along that war path they have adapted new tecniques, weapons, and tactics. They have wiped clean 13 galaxies, and are more than willing to wipe out one more, to get their promised home land. With a fleet of millions and an army of billions and bio-technolgy that can both destroy and create at the same time, we are in dire straits.

Brief discourse on the Yuuzhan Vong Fleet

Brief discourse on the Yuuzhan Vong Army

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