The Yuuzhan Vong Army
Created | Updated Mar 15, 2003
Brief Breakdown of Yuuzhan Vong Ground Combat technology

Yuuzhan Vong infantry are armed and armored with some pretty good bio-tech (don't let them hear you call it "tech" though).
Standard Armor: Voondun Crab armor (can take multiple lightsaber and blaster shots before becoming damaged. Weak around neck and under the arms, no helmet.)
Standard Weapon: Amphi-staff (virtually indestructible, can change from ridged club on one end blade on the other form, to whiplike venom poisening form.)
Standard Projectiles Weapons: Thud Bugs (blunt trauma, ranging from concusion/unconiusness to comma/death) and Razor Bugs (razor edged frisbee that comes back, and keeps coming back until it or its target is dead).
Grenades: blast bugs (big explosion with powerfull shock wave and incendiary damage).
General Fighting Skill: A standard Yuuzhan Vong Warrior is equel in skill to a Jedi or Sith Apprentice.
Clearifications: Thud Bugs and Razor Bugs return to the hands of their master unless they are killed or wounded, they do not merely miss and become either useless or out of bounds. The skin of Amphistaffs and Voondun Crabs is a crystle matrix, Voondun Crabs can be wounded, or even peirced by powerfull enough blaster shots, or several in the same general area. Light sabers can penetrate on thrusts but not on slashes or slices. Amphi-staffs, due to their thicker skin, cannot be harmed by Light sabers, thus they are wielded effectively against Force users and can block Light saber hits indeffinately.

The Yuuzhan Vong have few types of mechanised units but lots of each.
Scout analogs: Small riding animals
Anti-infantry: Large fire spitting quadro-peds
Anti-tank/aircraft: Rakamats, six legged creatures about 20 to 30 meters tall. Their hides are thick Yorik corral and possess many Dovin Basels and plasma cannons. Fighters can effectivaly take them down, but it takes time, and often lives.