Fluffy Bunnies

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Fluffy bunnies is a quaint little game usually played at parties of teenagers, but is still relavent for adults. The idea is to see how many marshmallows a person can fit in there mouth

If just shoving marshmallows into one's mouth isn't bad enough, another idea behind fluffy bunnies is that every time you put a marshmallow into your mouth, you need to say 'fluffy bunnies'. It need not be perfectly audible, but it must sounds like 'fluffy bunnies' when you have a mouthful of marshmallows

If you think that you could get away with just chewing on the marshmallows, you will automatically be out of the game. You must fit as many, unchewd marshmallows into your mouth, and still be able to say 'fluffy bunnies'. You may squash the marshmallows, but once you chew, you're out.

The real fun party of the game is when you fail to say 'fluffy bunnies', and hence out of the game, you need to dispose of the marshmallows. Just a word of warning to those that are watching, stand clear of someone who is going to unload their 'fluffy bunnies'. It is not a pretty sight

There are of course other variants, some use grapes, or use 'bumble bee', but the idea behind them are all the same

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