Red Pill, Blue Pill -- Reality or "The Matrix"?

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What is real? This is the question that has plagued us for centuries and many years. It is this question that drives us. The answer is the answer we have been seeking, the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything. Kind of like The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy but the abridged version. "How do you define real? If you are talking about what you can feel, smell, taste, see – then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain," says Morpheus in the movie "the Matrix." But we know that real is more than what we can touch folks since we cannot sense the real world as we can smell a flower, or touch a desk (none of which are real folks, since they are based in a world of rules and false ideals.) But really, how much of this can we really believe anyway? This could all just be some elaborated plan created by aliens to deceive us into thinking what isn’t real actually is and in the midst of our confusion aliens will suck out our brains and harvest our bio-electrical energy to power their own planet. Wait … that sounds familiar – like "the Matrix" but with out the painful brain-sucking part. So now we must believe – who can refute such obvious reasoning? Well the first thing to do is believe with all your hear that the world as we know it isn’t real, and that everyone else is crazy (which is true, oh, so true) and click your heels three times. Simultaneously you must release all your preconceived notions about the world; "Free your mind") – you are no longer a slave to such foolish ideas. How good does it feel? Take a deep breath, but not too deep – the real air hasn’t quite materialized yet but it will be. But believing that it isn’t real (along with everything else) is the key. When you have clicked your heels, you will disappear and quickly reappear to Morpheus’ sanctuary, who is the guide to the real world. He will be about 6 feet, wearing a entirely black suit, black sunglasses, african-american (which is false to say because separation of people by race is an idea, a rule that will prevent you from reaching the real world, so we should just stick to the fact that he is a human being and leave it to that) – you cannot miss him. In his hands will be a red pill and a blue pill. The red pill will show you the entirety of the real world and the blue pill will transport you back to the matrix to live a lie. Hmmm … red pill, blue pill? The choices one must make. So after you choose the red pill (you could choose the blue pill but how much fun is that?) you are in the real world (Give yourself a pat on the back). What are you waiting for?? Carpe diem. And remember to … free … your… mind.

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