A Conversation for WHY
ur so right!!
LittleDarlin Started conversation Mar 5, 2003
yep smudger! u gotta way of hitting the nail on the head!!
wen i was nursing i remember some really funny times wen my collegues as well as myself were in fits of laughter n sometimes it was so macabre!! especially in casualty!!
but looking back i think that's how we got thru the tough times, by making a tragic situation funny!!
some may say a warped sense of humour n i wudn't disagree with that, but it got us thru n it didn't take away our sense of caring n respect wen we had to deal with distraught relatives,it just helped to b in a 'surreal place' at the time! lessoned the tension n
heartbreak of wot was really happening. obviously sometimes we cried as well as we carried out our duties,especially where children were concerned!
but yes, maybe that's y most nurses(that i've met neway) have a pretty strange sense of humour, which i think we need even more today in this 'politically correct' oversensitive socity, where common sense seems to a scarse commodity!!
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ur so right!!
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