Created | Updated Dec 16, 2003
The object and the word ‘pins’ come into our world many times a day. Perhaps, pins are not used as much as other items such as paper or pens, or even thrown around as much as the words ‘the’ or ‘a’, but pins do represent several items which are vital to industries such as the tailoring or the cooking industry.
This guide entry attempts to look into the various uses of ‘pins’ but in no way claims to be completely comprehensive on the many and varied uses.
Pins of the fastening variety
Pins are small, usually metal objects which can attach one object e.g. a piece of cloth to another similar object. There are many different kinds of pins and they are made in many different shapes and sizes. You should be very wary of pins as most are very sharp and can pierce the skin causing pain (nerve stimulation) and blood loss although luckily this is usually short-lived and the puncture wound will heal fairly quickly (depending on the depth of the wound). There are several kinds of these types of pins and they are used for different purposes. These pins leave ‘pin holes’ which are small perforations.
Drawing Pins
These are short pins that are often made of brass, a metal. They have a disc made of the same material as the pin at one end, which enables a person to push the pin into a semi-solid surface. The other end of the pin is a sharp point. Drawing pins are used to secure notices and other similar documents to walls or notice boards: pressure is applied to the disc causing the point at the other end to penetrate the surface. A disadvantage of using drawing pins in this way is that they can become bent when unevenly distributed pressure is applied to the disc to make the pin stick into a wall. This makes the pin useless, the person angry, more perforations in the surface punctured and less drawing pins to utilise. Drawing pins are often used to display the many greetings cards received on various festive occasions, posters that allow you to ogle your latest pin-up 1and useless paper decorations.Drawing pins are also known as thumbtacks.
Dressmakers Pins
These are longer than drawing pins, usually about 3cm long. They are usually made of hardened and polished steel. They have a very small head and a sharp end, which is used widely in tailoring industries to hold pieces of material (cloth, leather etc) together. These are the pins that one would use to tack up hems and cuffs while performing alterations on the piece of clothing.
Safety Pins
These pins are considerably different in appearance to drawing pins as they are used for different purposes. A safety pin consists of two parallel pieces of metal wire held together at the ends with stronger, round-ended pieces of metal. To fasten this pin to various materials, the parallel metal wires must be squeezed together, causing the end of one of them to separate from the round-ended metal piece at one end. The wire is very sharp, so care must be taken so you do not puncture your skin. The pin may now be pushed through the material, and the separated wire then replaced to secure the pin and material.
Safety pins are used commonly attached to the back of ornaments to facilitate the pinning of these decorations onto a person’s clothes, bags, and other articles of clothing. These are known as brooches.
Hat Pins
Hat pins are usually made of metal and have a round head. They are used to secure a hat to a woman’s head. They usually had decorative heads as they were one of the accessories women used to have. The pins would be about 22 cm in length.
Clothespins are 2 pieces of wood or plastic which have been bound together with a wire. It acts as a sort of pincer and it is used to pin the wet clothes onto the laundry line. The groove on each side of the pin allows the clothespin to clasp tightly to the wet apparels and not fall off the line when a strong gust of wind blows.
Pins of the non-fastening variety
Rolling Pins
Rolling pins do not fit in with the usual 'fastening together' concept of pins. They are used for flattening and stretching dough or other mixed ingredients as part of the preparation/cooking method. Rolling pins are usually made from wood, although nowadays they are often made from plastic. They are cylindrical in shape and are typically around 12 inches long, although length can vary. Some persons may decide to use a rolling pin in the manner of a club, i.e. for hitting other persons over the head. This is not considered very polite or nice.
Bowling Pins
These pins are shaped like a baseball bat but with a flat end so that they will be able to stand on the floor. They can be found in bowling alleys or in children’s bedrooms, as toys. In the bowling alley, they are usually knocked down by a bowling ball and a score is obtained based on the number of pins scattered.
Knitters Marking Pins
These pins are used to mark off important points in ones knitting or to pin on patterns onto the knitting. They are common tools for any seasoned knitter. They are usually about 6 cm long with a blunt point and a colourful heads that can be shaped like petals.
Other Pins
Legs are also known as ‘pins’. Perhaps this can be best illustrated in the sentence “ Wow, she has great pins”.
An electrical plug that can be plugged into a socket can be described as having 3 or 2 pins depending on the variety.
Pin money is a term for the allowance of money, normally given by the husband to his wife, for her personal expenditure.
Pins are also the devices by which we are able to tune various stringed instruments such as violins, guitars and cellos. They are the pegs at the end of these stringed instruments that aid in the securing of the strings and help to determine the pitch of the note played by regulating the tension of the string.
The acronym PIN stands for ‘Personal Identification Number”. This is the personalised number that one uses when using an ATM machine to withdraw money from a bank. This number should only be known to the holder of the ATM card (unless he/she would like to see a bank balance of a different kind the next day).
Pin stripes are a pattern of parallel lines which can be found on fabric. These lines are usually very thin – like that of a pin, and are usually against a contrasting background. This design of fabric has become popular when used in the making of suits.
A pincushion is a small cushion or pad that is used for jabbing in needles and pins so that you do not leave them around and get pricked by them. They came in many different shapes and sizes nowadays and are also considered ornamental objects.
A pinwheel has vanes usually made from material such as paper, foil or plastic. These vanes are pinned in the centre to a stick. A pinwheel will revolve when it is blown by the breeze. Pinwheels are also fireworks that rotate and throw off wheels of colour as they spin. These fireworks are also known as catharine wheels.
Pinworms are worms that will enter your body via their eggs and will live off the nutrients in your body. They usually live in the intestine and as they grow will make their way to the anus. They can be easily treated by off the counter worm tablets.
A person who feels ‘pins and needles’ is experiencing a tingling sensation in the limb. This occurs after sitting cross-legged or kneeling for a long time, when your legs are trying to recover from the numbness. This can occur to your arms as well.
These are but a few of the many pins that are used in our everyday lives. Apart from these there are the many varied uses of the word pin such as: the lady was pinned down by the boulder; the crime was pinned on the lonely man who lived by the woods; and, to not care a pin about the scandal.