Alternative UK Sandwich Fillings (best eaten when drunk) v1

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Primula, ketchup and corned beef
1) Coat two (preferably white) slices of bread with copious ammounts of primula cheese spread.
2) Add 1 slice of corned beef to each piece of bread
3) Coat 1 slice of corned beef with tomato ketchup. Sprinkle on a little salt for that finishing touch.
4) Close sandwich. Beware of drips whilst eating!
* For cold winter nights try the hot alternative! Replace the corned beef with hot, cooked beef grillsteaks or burgers and replace tomato ketchup with chilli sauce.

Tuna with extras
1) Butter two slices of bread.
2) In a bowl mix 1 small can of tuna with roughly 50% of its volume in mayonnaise and 50% tomato ketchup
3) Coat one slice of bread with 1/2-1cm depth of tuna mix. Dust with ground black pepper.
4) Lightly cover with mix with vinegar and close sandwich.
5) Eat - beware of bread (particularly bottom slice) disintegrating whilst being eaten due to excessive moisture content. Do not hold sandwich over clothing!
* Chopped onion can also be added in stage 2 if desired.

Chicken, cheese and chips
1) Cook some chips however you like. American friends please note that our chips our your french fries and your chips are our crisps. Crisp (USA chips) are not a good thing to put in sandwiches when drunk due to potential choking hazards.
2) Coat two slices of bread with plenty of butter.
3) Cover one slice with a layer of cheese - medium cheddar is my preference for this one.
4) Cover cheese with a layer of thin-sliced chicken breast (the type you buy in packets from the shop)
5) Add layer of chips to the sandwich. Sprinkle with salt and vinegar if desired.
6) Close sandwich, squeezing firmly to prevent chip slippage. Eat whilst chips are still hot!
* Mayonnaise is an optional extra for this sandwich. Coat cheese before adding chicken for best results with this.

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