A Conversation for Valence Bond Theory of Chemical Bonding.

Peer Review: A986556 - Introduction to Chemical Structure and Bonding - Part I: Valence Bond Theory.

Post 1


Entry: Introduction to Chemical Structure and Bonding - Part I: Valence Bond Theory. - A986556
Author: Iridium - U220654

Morning all, have written this and it's sister article which will quickly follow this to build upon the concepts of atomic structure and some quantum mechanics mostly laid down so far by a midget called Hell who has a mop and a bucket and the try and fill a gap as to the hows and whys of chemical bonding. enjoy, constructive critisism welcome smiley - cheers

smiley - scientist

A986556 - Introduction to Chemical Structure and Bonding - Part I: Valence Bond Theory.

Post 2


Fantastic entry! smiley - ok

Now to throw in my smiley - 2cents... smiley - winkeye

- In my opinion, the title's too long at the moment. I think just "Valence Bond Theory" would be fine.

- Unfortunately, the linked-to entry on the Pauli exclusion principle (A568073) isn't Edited so, if this entry gets picked, will have to be removed by the <./>subeditor</.>.

- Like in A729885, which has a paragraph at the beginning stating that some prior knowledge of HTML is required, you might like to put in a sentence/paragraph that some knowledge of chemistry is required to understand the whole entry.

Well done smiley - biggrin

A986556 - Introduction to Chemical Structure and Bonding - Part I: Valence Bond Theory.

Post 3


smiley - cheers Cheers RhoMuNuQ, thanks for taking the time to have a read. Yeah, maybe your're right, the title is too long, how about shortenenig it to 'Valence Bond Theory of Chemical Bonding'? I've seen a few edited entries put into physics that should definitely have been put into chemistry so I'd like the word chemical to still be there.

Okay, I'll see to the Pauli link, noticed it wasn't edited so made a footnote just in case

I'll also put in the paragraph about previous knolwedge required aswell, it might come across a bit heavy otherwise.

Anyway, thanks, have any thoughts about Part II which will probably have it's name and similar changes made very soon. Bye

smiley - scientist

A986556 - Introduction to Chemical Structure and Bonding - Part I: Valence Bond Theory.

Post 4


I think 'Valence Bond Theory of Chemical Bonding' is fine! smiley - smiley

I'll try to comment on the other entry soon - it's quite a big read! smiley - biggrin


A986556 - Introduction to Chemical Structure and Bonding - Part I: Valence Bond Theory.

Post 5

JustAnotherNumber\Lord High Praetor of Thingite-ica\Sub

Very thorough, well-written article! smiley - smiley

Suggestion: Depending on the level of chemistry experience you expect the reader to have, you may want to include something on the octet rule and the exceptions to it in sp3d and sp3d2 bonding.

A986556 - Introduction to Chemical Structure and Bonding - Part I: Valence Bond Theory.

Post 6


Okay, good suggestion. The octet rule is something that taught in schools so explaining the origin of it wouldn't do any harm smiley - smiley

smiley - cheerssmiley - scientist

A986556 - Introduction to Chemical Structure and Bonding - Part I: Valence Bond Theory.

Post 7


The addition of a mention about the octet rule, how it arises and how with heavier elements it is broken has been included, I've put it into the paragraph immediately preceeding the table. smiley - biggrin

smiley - scientist

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smiley - biggrinsmiley - bubbly


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