Thiefs Guide to Guide ML

1 Conversation

Hello , This is a W*rk in Progress

smiley - thiefs Guide to Guide ML

the ML

not quite all you ever wanted to know about Guide ML but couldn't be bothered to learn smiley - spacesmiley - thief



Well Maybe

smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spaceInvestigations are ongoing into reports that h2g2 researchers have not only been using Guide ML without bothering to learn it, but have actually stolen it from other user pages and guide entries. At least one researcher has already confessed to having "stolen" everything he doesn't know about Guide ML from elsewhere but many more are believed to be taking part in a kind of black-market of guide entry code.

smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - space
It seems that countless researchers are settling for plain and simple user-spaces and guide-entries because they dont want the fuss and bother of learning to use Guide ML, some using the site for many months without realising that they dont actually need to learn it at all.

Tools of the Trade

So what are the secrets of the ML code sneak thief? The main ones are simply test, testuserpage and good old cut'n'paste.

  • test
  • :anyone can type 'test' right?
  • testuserpage
  • :because test only works on entries, not user pages
  • cut'n'paste
  • :highlight the bit you want, CTRL C and it's in your swag bag

smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - space

Rumour has it that a ready made guide entry exists at A986691 which explains how you can steal bits of code and find out how to put them in your own entries. It isn't quite finished yet but I do have to 'appear' to be w*rking

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