Recreational Area

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Party decorations inside the palace

Recreatoinal Area

Ahhh the smell of fresh plants in the recreational area. As you walk in you can see a huge TV with every kind of gaming system hooked up to it. On the other side are book shelves with quiet rooms next to them. There are huge speakers by the TV to provide nice support music.

In the back of the room is a bar for all those casual drinkers out there. This bar serves a full alcoholic beverages and caffinated drinks such as soda, coffe, and cappuchino's.

There is a TV on the far wall that always has base reports such as news updates, scheduling of missions, and gate activations.

In the center of the room is a few pool tables and on the far right is an actual two lane bowling alley.

On the far left there is a dance floor with music playing 24/7 and lights that react with the music itself.

This way back to Stargate Command

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