4th Sydney Meet Report

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It was another dry day in parched Sydney Town, when the intrepid Sydney based H2G2'ers were to gather from far and near at the Carlisle Castle Hotel and celebrate a number of things.

The meet was called for 2ish and as usual was a little slow in starting. Platypus wandered in at about 2.30 accompanied by Wowbagger as the 4th Power Puff Girl, all nicely decked out in a plastic sleeve, and saw Feisor and Linus already hard at it. Dancingtiger made a brief appearance, then departed to shop for a trombone tutorial book (some people have different priorities).

Meanwhile, in another part of town, the best laid plans... Shrillian was to collect Pond Rat at Pennant Hills, and Tashalls and Annie (welcome Annie) at Parramatta Station. However, Pond was there, but he missed seeing Shrillian; she waited for him and missed Annie, and Tashalls (never having met Shrillian), managed to connect by the power of the mobile phone!! By this time, they are nearly a couple of hours late and 2 people short.

Back in the pub, Cheesecake aka TopHat Kitty Cat had arrived, courtesy of her role-playing flatmate, and commenced drinking with rest of us. It was decided, in a drought stricken city, not to tax the reservoirs any further and so we went straight to a sparkling red, except for Linus who stayed on the beer. Feisor's mum had once again supplied the cheese and bikkies, (something to absorb the alcohol). Various phone messages were exchanged and we waited anxiously to see who would turn up.

Shrillian, Amy the paper Lady and Tashalls arrived amid much hoopla and celebration at about 4ish, and no sooner had they settled down with various drinks and begun to tell us their tale of woe, when an intrepid young lady approached the table (you've seen the photos, you know how much courage that took) and introduced herself as Annie!!! Having missed the collection point, did she wander off to buy an ice-cream and sit sad and forlorn in the local Pub like another I could mention Pond, but won't. No, Annie came by two trains and a long walk to arrive hot, sweaty and very thirsty, so straight into the sparkling red she dove.

A ceremony was held to mark the auspicious occasion, a reading from The Salmon of Doubt contributed by Feisor, (if you want to know which particular passage, then all you have to do is ask), after which glasses were charged and we got down to the serious business of the afternoon.

Around the table from left to right there was Feisor, Linus, Shrillian, Annie, Tashalls, Cheesecake, an empty spot for Pond, Platypus and perched on the piano, overseeing us all, Amy the Paper Lady and Wowbagger were making friends. We arranged ourselves nicely and smiled sweetly for the non-existent cameras, oohed at the way the photos brought out Amy's smile and the colour of Wowbagger's hair. The first photo had Feisor blinking and so we took them all over again, the waitress was very helpful in ensuring that we were all able to be in them. And then we realised that Platypus hadn't brought the camera at all, and so we went back to drinking and talking.

The conversation ranged over a wide variety of topics as it always does at these occasions. From role-playing games to music, from why you should keep your vodka in the freezer to the h2g2 Underguide and love, life and dancing - oops sorry no dancing. We toasted Annie's birthday (on Sunday), the passing of Valentines Day, Cheesecake's boyfriend's birthday and Amy's upcoming happy event. The jukebox was played, some pool was played by various combinations: Linus and Shrillian; Shrillian and Tashalls; Linus and Tashalls; against the regular pub pool sharks and I believe that honours were about even. Amy and Wowbagger considered challenging Linus and Shrillian to a game of pool, but would've had to give too many points away. Large amounts of wedges with sour cream and nachos were devoured, we drank the pub out of the sparkling red, and still we talked and talked.

This time, Platypus was the piker, an incipient headache and family commitments early the next morning meant she was collected at about 9.30 by an understanding husband, however, from all accounts the others kept the party rocking until closing time and then dissipated in various directions, Linus and a mate of his wandered off to another pub with a later closing time. Cheesecake was collected by Luke, her long-suffering, role-playing housemate and gee, wasn't it a fun trip home for him. Shrillian, Tashalls, Amy, Wowbagger and Annie were driven back to Parramatta by Tashalls in Shrillian's car, and Feisor meandered home as only Feisor does.

Some of us were up the next day and participating in the Peace March, some were less energetic and required assistance before arising, some didn't remember getting home at all and one of us (no names Cheesecake, I promise)was very sick indeed the next day. Most required copious amounts of liquid and sleep for the next few days. Shrillian arrived home with Amy, Wowbagger and Cheesecake's phone. Tashalls arrived home without her wallet, courtesy of a pickpocket on the street outside the pub and no reflection on the pub itself.

So as usual a good time was had by all who attended, and also by those who didn't (I believe hey Pond?), and the only unanswered questions were, When will the next one be and whom can we get to come to it?

Platypus 2

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