The Creaky Joint

2 Conversations

A shop front

Welcome to "The Creaky Joint" - a small cafe serving

smiley - coffeesmiley - teasmiley - milksmiley - ojsmiley - cakesmiley - cheesecakesmiley - cupcakesmiley - strawberries

smiley - bigeyes

ONLYsmiley - whistle

A hot teapotJammy Dodgers

However, there is also a large cupboard - out the back - where we stock a few stiffdrinks and other alcohol, we expect that to be a little more popular and may, at some point, have to move it into the main part of the cafe.

smiley - shhhsmiley - alesmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - redwinesmiley - bubblysmiley - stoutsmiley - shhh

We don't have a licence yet, so under the tables you will find a shelf - may be a good idea to keep the alcohol out of sight for now smiley - winkeye

As we're only just setting up I'm afraid quite a few tables and chairs are pretty old and creak when using them - you won't know which ones until you try them though or the sound may come from the customers (maybe yourself?) - please excuse them for this as they can't help it smiley - evilgrin

A man on a intravenous drip of coffee

We have a special shelf with a variety of over-the-counter pain relief tablets and lotions for your own creaks or ... hangovers!

Just ask anyone behind the counter for your free - yes free - requirements - the National smiley - elf Service is funding us smiley - laugh

Beware the counter - the top has a habit of sliding off smiley - yikes

You may be shocked at the noise the door makes as you enter ... ahem, that creaks too, along with the lads and lassies rooms - we know where you're going!

Hungry? Thirsty?
Then come on in - lubricate those joints - have a chat

smiley - hug

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