A Conversation for The five pillars of Islam: Saum - Fasting

Peer Review: A970977 - The five pillars of Islam: Saum - Fasting

Post 1

Rik Bailey

Entry: The five pillars of Islam: Saum - Fasting - A970977
Author: Muzaakboy - Better than the right thing is one who does it. Keeper of Islamic Studies, Tandoori Roti and Sweet Lassi - U208494

i think this may be ready


A970977 - The five pillars of Islam: Saum - Fasting

Post 2

Jayne Austin

smiley - ok

A970977 - The five pillars of Islam: Saum - Fasting

Post 3

Gnomon - time to move on

This is an excellent entry! I'd love to see it as part of the Guide.

It will a little work on the English in the entry, but I haven't time at the moment to give it a good looking through. I hope to do this later.

I think "Awareness of God" would be a better phrase than "God consciousness". That is if I have understood your explanation corectly.

A970977 - The five pillars of Islam: Saum - Fasting

Post 4

Gnomon - time to move on

A few misprints:

if fell during the heights of summer --> it fell during the heights of summer

with out --> without

not just about fasting either it involves --> not just about fasting either; it involves

abetter understanding --> a better understanding

many other important things that forms --> many other important things that form

what Muslim actually have to do --> what Muslims actually have to do

but their are also --> but there are also

A970977 - The five pillars of Islam: Saum - Fasting

Post 5

Rik Bailey

in which area are they as i can't seem to find most of them, i think i'm going blind...

A970977 - The five pillars of Islam: Saum - Fasting

Post 6

Gnomon - time to move on

Can you not use Search/Find in your editor?

A970977 - The five pillars of Islam: Saum - Fasting

Post 7

Rik Bailey

er what?

A970977 - The five pillars of Islam: Saum - Fasting

Post 8

Gnomon - time to move on

I assume you use Internet Explorer to look at h2g2. When you are editing the entry, hold down the Ctrl key and type F. This calls up a Search box. Put in the text you are looking for and press Enter. This will bring you to the text. Then you can change it.

A970977 - The five pillars of Islam: Saum - Fasting

Post 9

Rik Bailey

You learn some thing new every day..... thanks for that, that sure will save myeyes some strain I'll say.

I'll get started straight away then.


A970977 - The five pillars of Islam: Saum - Fasting

Post 10

Rik Bailey

I believe thats all of those ones. I'll safely presume their are others as myenglish is rubbish as you are no doubt finding out.


A970977 - The five pillars of Islam: Saum - Fasting

Post 11

Rik Bailey


A970977 - The five pillars of Islam: Saum - Fasting

Post 12

Baryonic Being - save GuideML out of a word-processor: A7720562

Excellent, like the others. But there are some things I must point out:

"These people often wonder why this is and never really fully understand just why this is."

Repetition of 'why this is'. You could just replace 'just why this is' with 'it'.

"The Primary thing" - primary does not need a capital.

"Saum, Zakat and hajj are the best ways..." - put a capital on Hajj.

"ones Imaan in God" -> "one's Imaan in God" (I think!)

"fasting in these conditions in a desert used to make ones stomach" - same thing. I'm sure the possessive for one is one's.

"the month that became known as Ramadhan" - no full stop at the end.

"when used to referring to the five pillars" -> "when used to refer to the five pillars"

"As Already mentioned" - unnecessary capitalisation of already.

"It teaches mankind sincere love, Muslims observe fast out of a deep love to God" - replace comma with a semicolon or new sentence for grammatical reasons.

"a person no longer things that he/she is hungry" -> "a person no longer thinks that he/she is hungry"

"at sometime in their life’s" -> lives

"It acts as an reminder" -> "It acts as a reminder"

The second bullet point in the exemption list seems to have a stray full stop.

"as it can effect and endanger" - spell 'effect' with an 'a' (affect) when using it as a verb.

"to weak to work" -> too.

"humanities weaknesses" -> humanity's.

"implement the above in there lives" -> their.

Again, well done indeed.

A970977 - The five pillars of Islam: Saum - Fasting

Post 13

Rik Bailey

Argggh, sorryabout the bad grammer. My spelling sucks and I need a new keyboard. The bloody shift keys don't work to well so some timnes an odd capitol appears. other than capitals, like missing "'"s is my own fault.

Thanks for pointing them out, I will sort them out when I get home from work at 8 in the morning tomorrow.


A970977 - The five pillars of Islam: Saum - Fasting

Post 14

Baryonic Being - save GuideML out of a word-processor: A7720562

smiley - ok
In your own time. You're doing a great job with these Entries.

A970977 - The five pillars of Islam: Saum - Fasting

Post 15

Baryonic Being - save GuideML out of a word-processor: A7720562

Still working on this?

A970977 - The five pillars of Islam: Saum - Fasting

Post 16

Rik Bailey

A970977 - The five pillars of Islam: Saum - Fasting

Post 17

Rik Bailey

well after waiting sixteen hours to read the message, I though I would just guess and say yes I have done the spelling mistakes.


A970977 - The five pillars of Islam: Saum - Fasting

Post 18

Baryonic Being - save GuideML out of a word-processor: A7720562

There are still some of the mistakes I spotted in post 12 outstanding (the repetition, capitalisation, ones -> one's in the possessive etcetera). After that, I believe it is fine.

A970977 - The five pillars of Islam: Saum - Fasting

Post 19

Rik Bailey

whoops now I remember. I did do it, but my internet connection failed. My computer plays up and I need to get it sorted. The internet is very doggy and freezes up some times. So I can't shut down the computer as it then freezes on saving settings unless I use Task Manager to close every thing till the system closes down due to instability. Don't ask!

Anyway on top of that the internet frooze up once when updating windows which has resulted in me not being able to update windows as it tries to install the ones that it was installing when internet failed and then fails on them all. Plus the only way to over come this that I know of is to delete the download service pack two and re download service pack two for xp. Problem is when I try to delete service pack it gets so far and system crashes.

Or in other words, I need to get a new hard drive (which I am going to use as a D drive anyway) to back up my data and re install xp, but my copy got broke so I need to buy a new copy.

Night mare.

So anyway I have done them changes now.


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Post 20

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