A Conversation for The h2g2 Winter Party 2003 Caption Competition!


Post 21

Mu Beta

To go back to the original question, it's my guess that we might see the results tomorow, to coincide with an edition of smiley - thepost



Post 22

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Hmm, good thinking Batman.

smiley - ale


Post 23

Mu Beta

Thanks, Wonder Chum. Seems I was wrong, though.smiley - erm



Post 24

Jimi X

smiley - doh


Post 25

Lifson Kofie

We want results!!! We want results!!! smiley - cross


Post 26

Mu Beta

*instigates slow-handclap*

Looks like we're waiting until Monday, then.smiley - sadface



Post 27

Mu Beta


Hmm...it would appear that last year's results didn't come out until March 22nd.

smiley - zzz



Post 28


Unfortunately something urgent came up last week that meant that we didn't get time to pick a winner.

Abi's out of the office at the moment, but I'm sure that we'll give this our full attention at some point. smiley - biggrin


Post 29

Mu Beta

Would that be March 21st, then?smiley - biggrin



Post 30


What? That's next week. You're 'aving a laff! I can't promise a date because Abi's not here. smiley - wah


Post 31

Mu Beta

Aw...and I so wanted a date with Abi as well.



Post 32



How is the dog and the feet?


Post 33


Hi there! I popped into the vet on Friday to get some more anti-biotics, and it is indeed an auto-immune disease, although he does have a bit of fungus as well. I'm taking the dog in on Wednesday for a check up, and a discussion on treatment from now on. Trust my dog to get something so bizarre!

I took him, E Vibenstein, and Blues Shark out for a smiley - run around Hyde Park at the weekend, and he really enjoyed it. It's the first proper run he's had for weeks. And don't tell the but we've been leaving the collar off in the day, and putting it back on at night - to save our legs and the furniture mostly! I haven't been able to keep up with washing his feet twice a day, most days I'm too busy/shattered to do it once, but they seem to be okay. The vet will tell me more in a couple of days. Thanks for asking! He's very bright and breezy now.


Post 34

Mu Beta

*instigates slow-handclap*

That's for the caption results, not the dog.smiley - winkeye



Post 35


"Aw...and I so wanted a date with Abi as well."

*cuffs Master B round the head* Enough of that, cheeky dog!

Yeah yeah this is all my fault sorry. Firstly Mina and I had to go and help out on the Message Boards, then I was ill and then there have been loads of New Media division meetings....

Ohhh that means I am not to blame...

So the people to blame are the person who posted potentially libellous material on the message boards, my body's reactions to stress and the bods in charge of New Media. smiley - winkeye


Post 36

Mu Beta

Maybe the first and third are the same people, and they're just trying to evaluate you...



Post 37


So Abi, have you been officially told the name of the person who was potentially libled? And is it the same name as I suggested in my earlier e-mail to you?


Post 38

Mu Beta

She wouldn't be able to tell you if she does know. At leas that's all I could get out of Anna

I know (now) - email me if you want your morbid curiosity satisfying.



Post 39


[email protected] smiley - ok


Post 40

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

smiley - zzz

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