I am not an atheist!
Created | Updated Feb 3, 2003
I'm not an atheist, not even a slightly wavering agnostic. I do believe in God (with a capital G), and I'm not afraid to say that in an intellectual forum. Perhaps that's why no one will come and play with me, but that point aside...
I get frustrated often by people who automatically dismiss a person's intelligence due to their belief or non-belief in something. I also get frustrated often by stupid people of my own faith persuasion (dare I say it -- Republican Protestant Christian, a.k.a. moderate-to-right-winger) because they make the rest of us look really bad.
These words are just food for thought, but if you've dismissed someone today because you just couldn't handle their divergence in thought from you, maybe you're just as bad as those who run around bashing people over the head and trying to "convert" them.
Am I one of those? Hmmm. I aspire to be, in an easy, not-pushy sort of way. Of course, it's arguable as to whether you can actively try to convert people without coming across as really pushy anyway.
Oh well...come join the conversation. I'm lonely.