A Conversation for MEETS FORUM
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February 2010 Bristol.
Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune Posted Jan 19, 2010
I know! I'll be getting a car sorted by this weekend (I hope!!!) so I'll have a bit more time to sort something out.
Anyone got any definite reccomendations for aley pubs? Or anywhere/thing they would definitely like to see?
February 2010 Bristol.
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Jan 20, 2010
when? where? how? and am I ment to be coiming? I cna't remember
I can't remember anything
think I'm now booked elsewhere for two weekends in Feb hope they don't clash or something
February 2010 Bristol.
Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune Posted Jan 26, 2010
Oh 2legs...
... I'm disappointed in you.
February 2010 Bristol.
Bluebottle Posted Jan 26, 2010
Will the meeting be within walking distance of Temple Meads station?
February 2010 Bristol.
Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune Posted Jan 26, 2010
Er, sort of. ViP is staying at a hotel near the Old Duke which isn't far off, and I think there's hopes to catch a bus (or maybe a group taxi if there's just a few of us, to go up to clifton and see the suspension bridge and find a pleasant drinkery...
February 2010 Bristol.
Bluebottle Posted Jan 26, 2010
Sounds good - I am very tempted by the prospect of seeing the bridge.
If it was just down to me, I'd definitely be coming, but I've a wife and son to think of too.
February 2010 Bristol.
Vip Posted Jan 26, 2010
Whatever you decide, BB. Family commitments are strong.
We haven't seen each other since that rather weird meet in... oh, was it Southampton?... where most of us (myself included, I think) weren't old enough to drink. And two of us went around barefoot, I seem to remember. It was fun, in its limited way.
February 2010 Bristol.
Lanzababy - Guide Editor Posted Jan 26, 2010
It looks as if the hotel where you are booked is now full Vip. It was the Premier Inn wasn't it?
February 2010 Bristol.
Vip Posted Jan 26, 2010
Um, yes, I'm pretty sure it was. It was the one closest to the train station. There was another Premier not too far away though, and I'm sure there's plenty of other places.
A shame though, it's always nice to stay in the place. We could still meet up for breakfast if anyone is staying over in Bristol though.
February 2010 Bristol.
Bluebottle Posted Jan 26, 2010
Yep, the Southampton meet, which never really took off and suffered from too much confusion, especially regarding camping and staying overnight, while the whole thing fizzled out long before that and I ended up going home in time for dinner... I still feel a bit guilty about that, especially the accommodation thingy...
I'm sure that a Bristol Meet will be much better organised and not suffer from any such mishap.
February 2010 Bristol.
Lanzababy - Guide Editor Posted Jan 26, 2010
There are lots of hotels, quite close to the centre. I shall probably travel down in the car, and use taxis if we go out later. Nowhere is too far away, it's a very compact City Centre
February 2010 Bristol.
Vip Posted Jan 26, 2010
Ah, we were young, dear Bluebottle. I still had a lovely time and really didn't mind heading home. We'll be fine this time around.
Are you staying out, lanza, or do you live nearby?
February 2010 Bristol.
Lanzababy - Guide Editor Posted Jan 26, 2010
No, I need a hotel! I shall be driving down from Staffordshire.
I'm waiting till I find out if anyone else is booking - I've checked a few prices and availability.
February 2010 Bristol.
Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune Posted Jan 26, 2010
I would offer a sofa but a) my house is such a mess it's embarrassing, b) it's rather full with four of us staying there (me and my partner plus my housemate and his partner) and c) the roof could fall in at any moment and I dont want a hootoo murder on my hands...
I dont know about organised, I hope it'll be a pleasant afternoon at least though. There's lots to see in the centre (nice buildings, the docks etc) and Clifton's got all sorts of exciting things to see and experience. I've got to check out the camera obscura this weekend, see if we cant get in there and down into the caves for the more adventurous among us maybe
Looks like Mini Meet is the name of the game so far, but of course, the more the merrier!!!
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February 2010 Bristol.
- 21: Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune (Jan 11, 2010)
- 22: Vip (Jan 19, 2010)
- 23: Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune (Jan 19, 2010)
- 24: 2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... (Jan 20, 2010)
- 25: Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune (Jan 26, 2010)
- 26: Bluebottle (Jan 26, 2010)
- 27: Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune (Jan 26, 2010)
- 28: Bluebottle (Jan 26, 2010)
- 29: Vip (Jan 26, 2010)
- 30: Lanzababy - Guide Editor (Jan 26, 2010)
- 31: Vip (Jan 26, 2010)
- 32: Bluebottle (Jan 26, 2010)
- 33: Lanzababy - Guide Editor (Jan 26, 2010)
- 34: Vip (Jan 26, 2010)
- 35: Lanzababy - Guide Editor (Jan 26, 2010)
- 36: Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune (Jan 26, 2010)
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