A Conversation for Belief and Inference

Flea Market: A953705 - Belief and Inference

Post 1


Entry: Belief and Inference - A953705
Author: BillSD - U188502

Lots of interesting stuff here - anybody want to complete the work? P

A953705 - Belief and Inference

Post 2


According to the conversation here: F113139?thread=244728 this entry became part of the University Project on belief A855371. However, BillSD is not credited for any part of that.


A953705 - Belief and Inference

Post 3

h2g2 Guide Editors

Because this was nine years ago, and the site was under different managers, I think it's easier to return this to Entry. I'd have imagined the original author would have complained by now if he'd wanted to.

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Flea Market: A953705 - Belief and Inference

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