Main lobby of Hell and Heavy Weapons
Created | Updated May 13, 2003

As you pass throught the silver doors the decor suddenly changes. Instead of a harsh black outside; ridged, dark, imposing, and frightening; you are met with a pleasent white marble hall that stretches many many meters. The inner architecture is smooth, flowing, pleasent, and almost organic.

You look back at the door as though to ask if you passed from the same outside or if you have been drugged and sent into a different building. You note an alcove between the sets of silver doors. It is semi-circular, and a ring is imbedded into the ground. It could hold as many as an elevator comfortably, there is a control panal near by. Before you can even touch it the ring leaps into the air, followed by 4 brothers. They hover in mid air, glow, flash brightly, and hum back into the ground. More customers have entered the Headquarters. (It was a Ring Transporter) You whistle, impressed.
You turn back to take in the lobby more carefully, feeling that nothing is as it seems. You get the general impression that room is about 100 meters long, 50 wide and 25 tall. As you veiw the vaulted ceiling, held up by massive white marble pillars you see not a roof, but the sky outside. It is holo-graphically projected along with advertisements for technology and services. Leather cairs and mahagony tables are scattered about on Persian rugs, surounding holo-projectors. Groups of customers, techs, buisness men, and aleins walk about in groups, pairs, or alone, filling the air with the buzz of conversation.
You start to walk down the other end of the hall, noting that the pillars are 4 meters wide. You see through the mulling crouds a low marbel and mahagony desk. Red velvet ropes on gold poles snake up to the twenty four secrataries. You see humans, Minbari, Centauri, Wookies, Trandoshans, Mon Calimari, Vorlons, Shadows, Narns and all manner of other aliens that you don't recognise as secretaries. You approach the Mon Calimari, a female with attractive salmon colored skin. She directs you to the department that best suits your needs.

Behind the desk and its accompanying wall is a hallway.