Daedalus Jukebox

3 Conversations

After a bit of consideration, I decided to compile a rather nice and appropriate soundtrack for The Flight Of Daedalus. So, after a bit of effort, here it is. Note: The songs from Trigun and Hellsing are from a slightly unstable sight, so they are occasionally offline.

The Heroes

  1. The Heroes' Theme: Seven Minutes1
  2. In Action: On The Run2
  3. In Action: Overly Denotational Dishonest Road3
  4. Searching Majestic City: The Egg And You4
  5. Tears For Zophyk: Goodnight Julia5

Terranic Government

  1. The Government's Theme: Spy!6
  2. Investigating: Piano Bar7
  3. In Action: Piano Black8
  4. Terranic HQ: SF Game Center9
  5. The Limo: Sax Quartet10
  6. CHAOS!: Yellow Alert11
  7. Pondering: Bodhisattva Cathedral12
  8. Deep Thought: Toll of the Masked Priest's Chapel13

The Anarchists

  1. The Anarchist's Theme: Unhappy Song14
  2. Daedalus's Theme: Hanashi15
  3. In Action: Pushing The Sky16
  4. Pillaging: American Money17
  5. Getting Away: What The Hell Are You Guys?18
1By Yoko Kanno2By Yoko Kanno3From The Series Hellsing4By Yoko Kanno5By Yoko Kanno6By Yoko Kanno7By Yoko Kanno8By Yoko Kanno9By Yoko Kanno10By Yoko Kanno11From The Series Trigun12From The Series Hellsing13From The Series Hellsing14From the series Trigun15By Yoko Kanno16By Yoko Kanno17By Yoko Kanno18From The Series Hellsing

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