Douglas Adams Versus H2G2 Editorial Policy

2 Conversations

Douglas Adams says in his introductory welcome to h2g2, "You can create your own Guide Entries containing anything you want, from your opinions of world events to a description of your home town, and it all goes to make up the h2g2 Guide ..."

NOW - at what point was it decided that personal opinions would NOT, in fact be welcome?

If anyone has an opinion he or she usually says, "My opinion is as follows .." or "I believe this to be the case.." or "It appears to me that this is the truth.." There is then no doubt: this is the opinion of a particular contributor.

At the sight of such personal pronouns contained in my first submitted entries comments by the editorial team immediately appeared, full of dire warnings about the inadmissability of such horrible words. Their inclusion could prevent publication in the Guide. It was as if a team of friendly but determined dobermans had been unleashed - trained to react to such a horrific, personal approach.

Why has Douglas Adam's welcome been so altered? Is it now judged to be rude, unfeeling and possibly egotistical for someone to have personal opinions?

I am not now talking about rants and raves. I am talking about profoundly held viewpoints logically, constructively, and courteously expressed.

Must everything be presented in a non-attributable, distilled format, a series of technical articles excluding all human attributes, reactions and emotions - as well as opinions?

Such an alteration to Douglas Adams' invitation does not, I believe, establish a sound basis for vital, interesting writing. Composition by Committee will assuredly and eventually create a numbing boredom, the BBC Guide becoming about as attractive as the average encylopedia, and as infrequently consulted.

Remember the fine looking row of printed enclopedias that gathered dust on our shelves at home before they were eventually dumped or sold in a car-boot sale? Does digital dust not exist?

Wake up dear friends! The danger is there!
Argue the opposite, if you dare. Convince me in public that Douglas Adams was wrong - or lighten up on this total prohibition of the expression of opinions in the First person!

PS: I do not argue for abolition of Editorial Control. There ARE a lot of crazies out there - where I am!

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