Epitaph for a Nipple Reamer: kind words and legal fiction marking the demise of T. Rauma Linglang

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From the Obituary section of the Shanghai, Illinois, Daily Intelligencer, 1/17/03

The family, friends and lawyers of T. Rauma Linglang wish to publish this epxression of recognistion of his life, death and work.

T. Rauma Linglang was the Chief Nipple Reamer on the Short End of the Stickley Pipe and Hose Manufacturers and Distributers of Fine Plumbing, Smoking and Restairant Supplys, since 1937, pipe nipple manufacturing and shaping line.

T. Rauma Linglang leaves behind, but not for long, two ex-wives, two ex-sones, and a '57 Nash Rambler with a Cadillac engine.
T. Rauma Linglang was veteraned during the Korean and Vietnam wars. He was a pipe-fitter on Navy ships, boats, barges and tubs. He rose to the rank of "Machinist's Mate".

He was a volunteer dispatcher for the Police Reserve Auxiliary Pipe band and Horse Cavalry for twenty years.

He once self-published a book on lapidary and rock polishing.

At some point in his life, he was born in 1936, near a cabbage patch in Plevervielle, Indiana, where his Father was a door finisher for the Seives family farms, T. Rauma Linglang decided he didn't need any mirrors in his rather insubstantial home near the railroad water tank, and substituted reflective glass with self-portraits done over several years with pen and ink, crayolas, and paint.

T. Rauma Linglang kept a few lawyers on retainer for most of his life. People kept making fun of his name and he kept persuading them otherwise. At the time of his death, five suits were pending and his nephew, Carrot Breen Hollingson, is now in custody for punching an undertaker, who is not holding the service.

Services will be held at garveside, at the Possum Baptist Church Annual Cementary, in Other Grove, Indiand.

Donations in leiu of flowers may be made to the T. Rauma Linglang Legal Defence Fund, Poot State Bank, Moweaqua, Illinois.

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