AGG/GAG/CAC dissected
Created | Updated Jan 15, 2003
To avoid questions about what AGG/GAG/CAC stands for, what the difference is between AGG/GAG and the more recent CAC, etc, let's just call them Popeye Chucklers for now.
Popeye Chucklers search for unedited guide entries in the Alt Writing Workshop, the Flea Market, and sometimes stragglers in Peer Review. Originally, we kept a list of nominated entries, which we discussed and voted on. An entry needed three votes to be used in an AGG/GAG column, so many entries languished on the nominations page.
After our enthusiasm tapered off a little bit, and we weren't finding as many great entries, we sort of lowered out standards. Instead of debating and voting on them, we switched to a system of revolving editorship. Each member wrote a column using any entries he liked. Quicker, easier, resulted in columns written ahead of time instead of at the last minute. Also meant that a member can participate in bursts: just write one column and turn it in, then let the other Popeye Chucklers take their turns for a month or so before you need to contribute again. Downside is that there was no concensus behind these later entries, since they only needed to impress one scout each.
Other tools for trawling the underbelly of the Guide include the randomnormalentry function and simply searching for topics that interest you. Lately I've discovered that the alphabetical index of all Guide Entries (listed along the bottom of the screen when you click on Advanced Search) now includes unedited entries as well as Edited Guide entries. I could have sworn that those were only Edited Guide entries at some point in the past, but I could be wrong.
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