Hay Fever

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Hay fever is a colloquial term for various kinds of allergies that people experience in the summer months of the year, mostly pollen-related due to nearby crops flowering, or even just caused by tree pollens or grass. Causes symptoms rather similar to colds or influenza, and almost total apathy from friends and family.

Apart from the physical discomfort, the most annoying thing about hay fever is the amount of money you have to spend on lotions and potions to ease the damn thing. Nasal sprays don't grow on trees, and there are myriad pills and substances one can take to try and stop the allergies, all for a large wodge of cash. Mr Smithkline-Beecham is said to be an avid fan.

Best cure for Hay Fever : Don't go outside, lie on your bed with a freezing cold wet flannel over your face, and relax. People will think you are insane, but you'll sneeze less.

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