The Fiery Mountain of Madness
Created | Updated Jan 8, 2003
Mwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (note the multiple explanation marks)
Behold, my newest experiment.....
Test subject number 21, come here...... Drink this! Mwah ha ha ha
God dammit, not another rabbit potion!!!
Oh, sorry, didn't see you there, thought I was onto something. Welcome to my fiery Mountain of Madness, it's a volcano standing on it's own, tiny island, the volcano is distinguishable due to a long lightning rod emerging from it. A small forest at the base of the volcano has grown lush from the ash nutrients that once emanated from my home, and in this forest I can find the rare, even unique plants that form the basis of my research (although more often a horrible rash) if you look over that lovely victorian balcony there you can see the lava, I tell you it doesn't on half save on heating, and it powers most of my machines.
Mwah ha ha ha ha
Sorry, I can't help it, it's a condition. So, what can I do you for? You're welcome to join in experimentation if you like, however on the whole I make bunny potions, I keep trying to make but I always end up with a bunny. Once I made a black bunny, and once I made a scaly green one, but that's the closest I got. My aim is to further the weapons power of the Terran Army with devastating biological morphing attacks, so far, I've mastered the art of pathetic biological bunny attacks. Don't laugh or I'll prod you with my tongs!!
Oh, subject 21? It's ok, he'll turn back in a few hours......