A Conversation for Driving Directions

A921052 - Driving Directions

Post 21


OK, i've done that (a day late, but who cares? smiley - winkeye). Any other comments, or is someone going to pick it? smiley - winkeye


A921052 - Driving Directions

Post 22

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

I don't know if you'd consider this relevant or not, but there is some research showing that men and women tend to give very different types of driving directions, with one gender relying much more on street names and cardinal directions, and the other relying more on landmarks and whatnot. I forget which gender is which, though -- if you're interested, I could probably find it somewhere -- I remember learning about it in neurology.

smiley - smiley

A921052 - Driving Directions

Post 23


Yes, i think i heard that somewhere too. I'm not sure about including it, i'll think about it. Anyone else got an opinion?


A921052 - Driving Directions

Post 24

Jimi X

smiley - laugh

Check post 17! smiley - winkeye

Or better still, I'll quote it for you:
'Also, I've found that women tend to navigate more by landmarks (turn at the red house) and men tend to navigate more by distances (turn after 3 miles). But as with all generalizations, there's bound to be exceptions...'

smiley - cheers
- Jimi X

A921052 - Driving Directions

Post 25

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

I remember in my developmental neurology class, this was one of the tests they talked about using in research to determine if your brain was more "masculine" or "feminine".

And of course, us women seem to be the only folks who need to turn the map around so that it faces the direction we're heading. When I'm looking at a fixed map (like those kiosk ones they have at malls), I always find myself turning my head to try to orient myself to the map.

smiley - biggrin

A921052 - Driving Directions

Post 26


I had a feeling i'd heard it in relation to this entry, i just couldn't be bothered to read the backlog.


A921052 - Driving Directions

Post 27

Jimi X

A921052 - Driving Directions

Post 28


You coughing at anyone in particular? I'm waiting for someone to either pick this, or give a suggestion for how to improve it. smiley - erm


A921052 - Driving Directions

Post 29

Number Six

I think there's a 'given' missing in the second paragraph of 'Oral Directions'?

I also think there's a certain amount of mileage to be gained from the fact that anyone you stop and ask for directions automatically assumes they're inherently superior to you because you're not from round there and (largely *because* of being not from round there - which is all your fault anyway, of course) - you're lost. The classic example being the comedy yokel character often seen on TV who answers, usually in a West Country accent, "Well, if I was going *there*, I wouldn't be starting from *'ere*..."

(Those stars would be tags, but I'm too inept to know how to do those in a post to a converation smiley - winkeye)

smiley - mod

A921052 - Driving Directions

Post 30


I'll take a look and see if i need to add a "given". What would you like me to add about superiority? There is no way to use HTML (or GuideML) in posts. *'s are the best way to show it.


are the usual ways to show things in plain text.


A921052 - Driving Directions

Post 31


Ah yes, fixed.


A921052 - Driving Directions

Post 32

Number Six


About the superiority thing... well, being me, I'd suggest a mildly edited version of what I'd written! smiley - winkeye

smiley - mod

A921052 - Driving Directions

Post 33


Can i have a 2nd opinion on that please?


A921052 - Driving Directions

Post 34

Number Twelve (who bears a strong resemblance to Number Six wearing a hat & dark glasses...)

I think it's an excellent idea!

smiley - mod

A921052 - Driving Directions

Post 35

Number Six

Having re-read your entry, what I said about superiority isn't that different to what you say about the directions-giver assuming themselves to be the ultimate authority.

I'd wait for a genuine second opinion, if I were you!

smiley - mod

A921052 - Driving Directions

Post 36

Smij - Formerly Jimster

A Scout has recommended this for the Edited Guide, but I'd like to just make sure you're happy for this to go ahead.

Any comments either way, let us know here.


A921052 - Driving Directions

Post 37

Jimi X

I would have liked to see the bit about gender differences in directions which Mikey confirmed from her coursework. smiley - erm

A921052 - Driving Directions

Post 38

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Maybe the sub will be able to take what's here in thread and add it in?


A921052 - Driving Directions

Post 39


Ok, how about i add a little bit about genders now and then jimster can click his little accept button?

Tango smiley - smiley

A921052 - Driving Directions

Post 40


Hows that?


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