what is GOD?

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There are a myriad of conceptualizations of "God", which, of course, depends on the person who believes in "God".
The most preposterous/silly/asinine idea of God is actually quite widely held. this is that God is a senscient being that thinks like humans <laugh>. i find this anthropomorphism of God to be silly beyond belief. <laugh> God, viewed this way, "judges", "punishes", and "rewards" us.
Some other ideas of what "God" is are less absurd. for example, some people believe in some "force" that is beyond humans. Still, this idea is silly because the number one rationale that these people give is that everything has been designed and organized too well for all of this to have happened just by chance. therefore, they think there must have been "something" orchestrating all of this... a "designer"... i find this extremely amusing, to say the least <laugh> . here's why: believers of some "force", like almost everybody, are completely oblivious to the fact that what SEEMS TO BE is not the same as WHAT IS. our minds play many tricks on us. most people do not realize that they draw analogies from the only "reality" they can comprehend, the reality of the classical physical world in which we live. these analogies are faulty and lead to ridiculous conclusions. Just because life on earth SEEMS to have required something beyond random chance to develop does NOT mean that it actually DID require something else. Furthermore, in my mind, the current state of earth with all of its life doesn't even SEEM to require anything more than random chance. i have absolutely NO problem at all ascribing all of this to random chance. it is quite surprising to me that people don't understand the vastness of the universe and that there is absolutely nothing illogical or irrational in believing that this universe happens to be a place/time, whatever the universe is, in which life *can* develop and that Earth is one planet on which life, by chance, could develop and, in fact, did. THERE IS NOTHING MORE TO IT THAN THAT.
Now, if one defines "God" as the universe or the laws of the universe, then i would say there is a "God". but, this is a silly point, because this is just calling science by another name.
anywho, i'm open to rebuttals, etc... but, i hope somebody besides susY agrees with me! <ok>

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