A Conversation for GG: Champagne and Sparkling Wine

Peer Review: A919965 - Champagne and Sparkling Wine - Under Construction

Post 1

Gnomon - time to move on

Entry: Champagne and Sparkling Wine - Under Construction - A919965
Author: Gnomon [Back from Paris] - U151503

The guide needs an entry on Champagne to go with the smiley - bubbly smiley.

A919965 - Champagne and Sparkling Wine - Under Construction

Post 2

Gnomon - time to move on

Silly me, I should have taken the "Under Construction" out of the title before I submit it. I've done it now.

A919965 - Champagne and Sparkling Wine - Under Construction

Post 3


Nice one Gnomon smiley - ok How was Paris? Hope it wasn't as cold as it was down here smiley - brr...

Anyway, back to the entry...

smiley - erm Can I sue the BBC and you if I manage to get a hangover through drinking too much smiley - bubblysmiley - huh - I don't think that particular phrase is going to make it through...

Secondly, I know you're Irish, but, you could give the Brits a little publicity once in a while smiley - winkeye. How about a mention for that rarity of rarities - English Sparkling Wine... I've actually drunk it (and sold it to Frenchmen smiley - tongueout) and it's quite drinkable... have a look at http://www.bozedown.com

A919965 - Champagne and Sparkling Wine - Under Construction

Post 4


Hiya, smiley - smiley

nice entry, smiley - ok looks like it'll be all round before too long...

Mumm's the word!

Which makes me think; you mention several specific renowned producers, perhaps a list of the top 10 names in champagne production would go well after teh main text...

oh, and you might like to link to this edited entry on Wine - A289677

This looks like a good noo year starter - but shouldn't it have been ready to hit the front page on Dec 31st? smiley - biggrin

A919965 - Champagne and Sparkling Wine - Under Construction

Post 5

Gnomon - time to move on

That would require too much forward planning!smiley - biggrin

Paris was cold, Whisky. About minus 5 on Friday and Saturday. As an Irishman, I had never encountered such temperatures before.

A919965 - Champagne and Sparkling Wine - Under Construction

Post 6

NAITA (Join ViTAL - A1014625)

You can most certainly get a hangover from drinking only champagne. smiley - smiley

A919965 - Champagne and Sparkling Wine - Under Construction

Post 7

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

I have to agree with that NAITA - in fact champagne is the only drink I know which can give me a smiley - hangover whilst I'm still smiley - drunk on it, so I never drink the stuff these days.

And there's third way of opening a bottle of 'poo - with a sword smiley - bigeyes

A919965 - Champagne and Sparkling Wine - Under Construction

Post 8

Trout Montague

Corking stuff.

"If is as good as..."

"It is as good as..."

A919965 - Champagne and Sparkling Wine - Under Construction

Post 9

the third man(temporary armistice)n strike)

Excellent. a real connoisseurs entry. One possible explaination for the hangover accusations of Champagne is the bubbles. Bubbles, apparantly, will get the alcohol into your system faster. Also, as the bubbles at the surface burst you will inhale some alcohol. Inhalation needs a lot less and acts a lot quicker so the results are you seem to have drunk more than you have.

A919965 - Champagne and Sparkling Wine - Under Construction

Post 10

Gnomon - time to move on

I and my five friends have drunk six bottles of Champagne every New Year's Eve for the last five or six years and none of us have ever suffered any ill effects.

A919965 - Champagne and Sparkling Wine - Under Construction

Post 11


Yes Gnomon, but you're Irish smiley - nahnah The rest of us poor folk weren't raised on Guinness from birth smiley - winkeye

A919965 - Champagne and Sparkling Wine - Under Construction

Post 12

Gnomon - time to move on

I'll wait and see what other people think. Is the general feeling that I should change the bit about hangovers?

A919965 - Champagne and Sparkling Wine - Under Construction

Post 13


I don't know about your hangover theory, but one thing i have noticed on the rare occasions when i have consumed any quantity of champagne is that I have drunk three or four glasses of it at the beginning of an evening, then calmed down a bit and switched to something else but later had a bit of a headache.

this sounds a bit like someone else's 'not_next_morning' hangover...

A919965 - Champagne and Sparkling Wine - Under Construction

Post 14


Personally, I'd have thought it was medically unlikely that anything containing alcohol could not give you a hangover. If it's booze, it'll dehydrate you, and that's what causes a smiley - hangover in one not blessed with your iron constitution.

Great entry. BTW! I'm sure it'll earn you some virtual smiley - bubbly soon. And I'm glad you got in the line about motor racing drivers. Even though I don't drink any more, that shocking waste of good smiley - bubbly still annoys me!

A919965 - Champagne and Sparkling Wine - Under Construction

Post 15

Gnomon - time to move on

Hangovers can be caused by a number of things. One is dehydration. Another is higher order alcohols, such as propanol and butanol. I've been told that pure ethanol does not give hangovers except for the dehydration effect, so that if you drink enough water you will be ok. It is possible (although I have no evidence) that Champagne has less of the higher order alcohols in it.

A919965 - Champagne and Sparkling Wine - Under Construction

Post 16


Hi Gnomon,

I was about to say the same. Alcohol by itself will only cause the dehydration as previously mentioned. The headaches, upset stomach and general lethergy are caused by other ingredients contained in whatever you your are drinking and spirits are the worst culprit for that followed closely by not so good beer. Guinness and German lager is a lot better in this respect.

The sore head experienced after over indulgence is most likely caused by carbon-monoxide poisoning from the tobacco smoke that usually prevails in places where alcohol is consumed. See A817850 (All right, it’s a plug, but everyone else does it!)smiley - smiley

You might also like to link to the very good article on Hangovers at A103140.

smiley - oksmiley - stout


A919965 - Champagne and Sparkling Wine - Under Construction

Post 17

Gnomon - time to move on

I've made a few small changes:

I've changed champagne to a small c throughout, except when referring to the region of France.

I've added a definition of "Non-vintage".

I've changed the section on Hangovers slightly.

I've added a section listing all the strange names for big champagne bottles.

A919965 - Champagne and Sparkling Wine - Under Construction

Post 18


Nice entry. smiley - smiley I didn't realise that Bucks Fizz needed an apostraphe though.

I'm glad that you mentioned Asti, because I don't like dry wine I hate Champagne, and it gives me something to celebrate with instead. smiley - biggrin

A919965 - Champagne and Sparkling Wine - Under Construction

Post 19


Could you sneak in a mention of pink champagne somewhere?

smiley - rose

A919965 - Champagne and Sparkling Wine - Under Construction

Post 20

Trout Montague

Oooh Bucks Fizz - Cheryl Baker - Down Boy.

Nothing about opening champagne the fourth way ... i.e., on the ar5e-end of a new boat?

Supposedly Lahnd'ners or Parisians used champers to wash down their carriages in the 18th/19th Centuries as the water was too polluted. Any truth?


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