A Conversation for The Nightblade Regiment
Signing up for the Ammunition job.
His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt Started conversation Jan 13, 2003
Hail to thee Supreme General Mystrunner,
I would like to toss my hat into the ring for the Munitions job. I dare say you have some inkling of my aptitude for that job, possessing Jane's Infantry Guide (90-91 edition) and being the owner of H&HW. Consider well.
Fare thee well, where-ever thee fare,
Terranic Privite: His Divine Shadow
Signing up for the Ammunition job.
Mystrunner Posted Jan 13, 2003
I'm afraid you'll have to talk to Terran about that. I'm not in control over that area.
Signing up for the Ammunition job.
His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt Posted Jan 13, 2003
ok, I'll do just that. see yah tomorrow
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Signing up for the Ammunition job.
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