A Conversation for 'The FoLDers Arms'

LDers Bar: Bar Area

Post 2161

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)


well two months ago I would of laughed, but this season........you've done quite a lot of "emotional" things... so I didn't know what to think...

Serjsmiley - devil

LDers Bar: Bar Area

Post 2162

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

BLJ: What you said, "The thing that makes it work is broke" LMAO smiley - biggrin

Jedi: Use the force smiley - smiley

loup: What is 6 / village ? befor my time WEG

To those I missed: smiley - nahnah ... smiley - laugh

LDers Bar: Bar Area

Post 2163

Jessypeeps (Someone Please Remove This Worthless Heart)

right enough of the wedding talk!!

Marc gets emotional very easily dont want him crying now LMAO

LDers Bar: Bar Area

Post 2164


sorrysmiley - angel guilty

LDers Bar: Bar Area

Post 2165

Researcher 218409

hello serj smiley - smiley

LDers Bar: Bar Area

Post 2166

Jessypeeps (Someone Please Remove This Worthless Heart)

argh am i smiley - bleepsmiley - bleeping cheek of it!


LDers Bar: Bar Area

Post 2167

Reality Manipulator

Hi Liz and BLJ Help yourself to the drinks.smiley - smiley

smiley - tasmiley - cheerssmiley - ok Thanks for the drinks Serj. I have got some soft drinks, various fruit juices smiley - oj and various types of smiley - milk shakes.smiley - smiley


LDers Bar: Bar Area

Post 2168

Loup Dargent

gemma... smiley - bubbly

smiley - discosmiley - musicalnotesmiley - handcuffs

LDers Bar: Bar Area

Post 2169

Researcher 218409

it's smiley - ok liz smiley - biggrin

LDers Bar: Bar Area

Post 2170

Jessypeeps (Someone Please Remove This Worthless Heart)

Lmao...Marc get me outta here!!!!!!!!!!

Next i will be spawning smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wah

LDers Bar: Bar Area

Post 2171

Loup Dargent

JAB... twas a reference to "the prisoner".. smiley - whistle he never managed to escape from "The Village"...smiley - laugh

smiley - ale

LDers Bar: Bar Area

Post 2172

Researcher 218409

jessy you really getting married 2moz?

LDers Bar: Bar Area

Post 2173

Jessypeeps (Someone Please Remove This Worthless Heart)

right i need to get ready to elope see you all later

e-mail you after Marc....smiley - biggrin

LDers Bar: Bar Area

Post 2174

Reality Manipulator

JAB I will use the Force smiley - smiley

Number 6 in the village is about the prisoner. There was a tv programme that was made in Wales about a man who had no name but only a number and he was trying to escape "The Village". Everyone in the village had a number and his number was 6. No had ever escaped from the place. "The Village" is now a tourist attraction.smiley - smiley


LDers Bar: Bar Area

Post 2175


tell sandrasmiley - angel i left her asmiley - gift gtg tc sweetiesmiley - hug

hi ja u tc

c@ch uz tommorow

LDers Bar: Bar Area

Post 2176

Jessypeeps (Someone Please Remove This Worthless Heart)

smiley - kiss's

LDers Bar: Bar Area

Post 2177

Researcher 218409

ok liz i'll tell her you've left her something even though i'm not sure what it is smiley - laugh
take care

LDers Bar: Bar Area

Post 2178

Reality Manipulator

Hi Loup, would you like to help yourself to the drinks I poured out.smiley - smiley

My fingers have got a mind of their own and seem to be typing the wrong letters in.smiley - laugh


LDers Bar: Bar Area

Post 2179

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

loup: Yes smiley - smiley I knew that, but having smiley - laugh

"Before my time and all" smiley - silly, I remember it.

ahh smiley - snowball

LDers Bar: Bar Area

Post 2180

Loup Dargent

smiley - wahnumber 6 had a name...smiley - biggrin

he was john drake aka danger man...smiley - whistle

smiley - ale

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