A Conversation for 'The FoLDers Arms'

LDers Bar: Bar Area #4

Post 41


Call me unromantic if you want,

But what is the point of writing a letter and then give to that person the next time you see them smiley - erm

not that it has anything to do with me smiley - whistle


LDers Bar: Bar Area #4

Post 42

Sexy_Lil_Emz:Miss Bunny

good question manda i dont really no i just think its fun as u can put what u like in the letter and its sometimes easier to express ur self especially if ur a shy person, im not but if i was id find it really easy to say what i thought or felt in a letter!

do u have a partner??

LDers Bar: Bar Area #4

Post 43


Yes she is a lazy old,,,,,,,,oooooops she is coming back

she is great, the best reason I have for living smiley - ok


LDers Bar: Bar Area #4

Post 44

Sexy_Lil_Emz:Miss Bunny

he he! manda dont b gettin ur self in trouble!!!

Im afraid i have to go now as blj will b here any minute!

Lovely to meet u tho leave me a message in my message centre place please!!!
Thanx speak again soon ok take care xxxx

LDers Bar: Bar Area #4

Post 45


Speak to you later smiley - ok

take care smiley - smooch


LDers Bar: Bar Area #4

Post 46

Reality Manipulator

Hi Loup, huggy, Ghia, Kow, BLJ, Gemma, Jon, Sexy_LiL_Emz, Sandra, JAB, DizzyandBob, Bryan, Manda, & Lizsmiley - smiley

smiley - ale
smiley - stiffdrink
smiley - redwine
smiley - bubbly
smiley - stout
smiley - milk
smiley - oj


LDers Bar: Bar Area #4

Post 47


Awwww... that's so sweetsmiley - biggrin

LDers Bar: Bar Area #4

Post 48



Hi JAsmiley - ale

LDers Bar: Bar Area #4

Post 49

Reality Manipulator

Kow I am drinking Jamican Hot Ginger smiley - ale.smiley - ale


LDers Bar: Bar Area #4

Post 50


evening folks smiley - smiley how are we all doing?

venus smiley - handbag

LDers Bar: Bar Area #4

Post 51

Researcher 220282

smiley - huhsmiley - weird Hi all smiley - ok

Katrine thats strange just got back on line smiley - grr @ digibox & smellyvest ....and you say hellosmiley - biggrin

LDers Bar: Bar Area #4

Post 52

Loup Dargent

smiley - run post 50 already...smiley - wow

WOHAY!!!...smiley - biggrin

hi again everyone..smiley - silly

manda: who was your reason for leaving?!... ooops... meant "for living"...smiley - smiley

smiley - ale

LDers Bar: Bar Area #4

Post 53

Loup Dargent

jon... yeah.... we go offline for a while and when we come back people are still having a conversation with us...smiley - cool

venuskiss... hi... i see you found the way to the new thread...smiley - smiley

LDers Bar: Bar Area #4

Post 54

Loup Dargent

hi kat...smiley - biggrin

smiley - ale

LDers Bar: Bar Area #4

Post 55


hiya loup
yep i found it, not bad for someone thats been away all weekend....BLIMEY!! maybe i'm getting the hang of it now lmao

venus smiley - handbag

LDers Bar: Bar Area #4

Post 56

Researcher 220282

Noooooooo loup thats like seeing the ex mother-in-law see never stops smiley - yikessmiley - run

smiley - stiffdrink

LDers Bar: Bar Area #4

Post 57

Researcher 220282

that not saying you remind me of her katrine...............smiley - whistle

LDers Bar: Bar Area #4

Post 58

Reality Manipulator

Hi Venuskiss smiley - smiley

Jon I am a Jedi!!!smiley - smiley


LDers Bar: Bar Area #4

Post 59


hi JA
hows u? smiley - smiley

venus smiley - handbag

LDers Bar: Bar Area #4

Post 60


Hi all smiley - ok

Hi loup

Sexy_Lil was asking me if I had a partner

( sssshhh she is still looking smiley - winkeye )


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