A Conversation for 'The FoLDers Arms'

LDers' Bar: Gents Bathroom

Post 41

Loup Dargent

erm... i'm glad the shower was not cold...smiley - whistle

jessypeeps you do realise that this is the men's bathroom?!... mmmmmm?!... just checking like...smiley - biggrin

smiley - smiley

loupsmiley - fullmoon

LDers' Bar: Gents Bathroom

Post 42

Jessypeeps (Someone Please Remove This Worthless Heart)

yeah i have no problem with that smiley - smiley

not the first time and not the last smiley - whistle x

LDers' Bar: Gents Bathroom

Post 43


Got ta go,Got ta go,Got ta go right now!

smiley - run

LDers' Bar: Gents Bathroom

Post 44

Jessypeeps (Someone Please Remove This Worthless Heart)

went to page but was freezing try later.......schools coming out in 15 mins gotta go entertain cousin smiley - smiley

catch you later x

LDers' Bar: Gents Bathroom

Post 45


I take home schooling (E.C.O.T)

LDers' Bar: Gents Bathroom

Post 46

Loup Dargent

"ALERT!!!! THERE IS A GIRL IN OUR BATHROOM!!!!"smiley - blushsmiley - yikessmiley - blushsmiley - run

smiley - biggrin

LDers' Bar: Gents Bathroom

Post 47

Jessypeeps (Someone Please Remove This Worthless Heart)

oh right well cousin 7 just goes to play footbll and get as dirty as he possibly can.....tut!

LDers' Bar: Gents Bathroom

Post 48

Jessypeeps (Someone Please Remove This Worthless Heart)

be honest like you really care lol......smiley - kiss

LDers' Bar: Gents Bathroom

Post 49



Could you step out a minute,JP?

LDers' Bar: Gents Bathroom

Post 50

Jessypeeps (Someone Please Remove This Worthless Heart)

okay but believe me you all aint got nothing i aint seen before smiley - smiley

LDers' Bar: Gents Bathroom

Post 51



LDers' Bar: Gents Bathroom

Post 52

Loup Dargent

smiley - biggrin

LDers' Bar: Gents Bathroom

Post 53

Jessypeeps (Someone Please Remove This Worthless Heart)

lol.....smiley - flyhi

LDers' Bar: Gents Bathroom

Post 54

Jessypeeps (Someone Please Remove This Worthless Heart)

hehehe smiley - flyhi

LDers' Bar: Gents Bathroom

Post 55



LDers' Bar: Gents Bathroom

Post 56

Jessypeeps (Someone Please Remove This Worthless Heart)


LDers' Bar: Gents Bathroom

Post 57


Hit the this posting thingy.

Hushpawsmiley - fullmoon

LDers' Bar: Gents Bathroom

Post 58

Jessypeeps (Someone Please Remove This Worthless Heart)

you guys aint never met Bryan have you?

lol he knows how to party in a bathroom another story lol

LDers' Bar: Gents Bathroom

Post 59

Loup Dargent

yep... _even_ in here we can't watch TV in peace...smiley - biggrin

loupsmiley - fullmoon

LDers' Bar: Gents Bathroom

Post 60



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