A Conversation for 'The FoLDers Arms'

LDers' Bar: The Office

Post 281

Loup Dargent

smiley - biggrin

LDers' Bar: The Office

Post 282

Loup Dargent

smiley - cool

LDers' Bar: The Office

Post 283

Loup Dargent

smiley - stiffdrink

LDers' Bar: The Office

Post 284

Loup Dargent

smiley - bubbly

LDers' Bar: The Office

Post 285

Loup Dargent

smiley - whistle

LDers' Bar: The Office

Post 286


I think ASKH2G2 are cheating, they have got 1.000s of threads and we have just got a few,

so if you do it on average, I think we are TOP smiley - ok


LDers' Bar: The Office

Post 287


Someone else trying to get on the posting listsmiley - biggrin

LDers' Bar: The Office

Post 288

Loup Dargent

kow: the more the merrier...smiley - laugh

more points for the FoLDers/LDers...smiley - cool

smiley - bubbly

LDers' Bar: The Office

Post 289

Loup Dargent

oooops... almost forgot...

smiley - surfer

LDers' Bar: The Office

Post 290

Loup Dargent

found some old smiley - disco lights for the party room...smiley - biggrin

LDers' Bar: The Office

Post 291

Loup Dargent

and some smiley - roses for the bar area...smiley - smiley

LDers' Bar: The Office

Post 292


smiley - discoIt could do with some in theresmiley - disco

LDers' Bar: The Office

Post 293

Loup Dargent

can't find the teapot smiley tho'...smiley - cry

LDers' Bar: The Office

Post 294

Loup Dargent

kow: yep...

LDers' Bar: The Office

Post 295

Colonel Codpiece

You'll never catch up with me now loup...harharhar

Well, not until 11 when I go to bedsmiley - erm

smiley - hug

LDers' Bar: The Office

Post 296

Loup Dargent


LDers' Bar: The Office

Post 297

Loup Dargent

i will try...

LDers' Bar: The Office

Post 298

Reality Manipulator

smiley - ok Loup Yes there are plenty of Essex girls and I am one of them.

I find (Oh I cannot remember the word) thongs and g-strings to be comfortable when I wear them.

Coffee evenings are radical, I said that because what I was going to say.

JA smiley - fullmoon

LDers' Bar: The Office

Post 299

Loup Dargent

and try...

LDers' Bar: The Office

Post 300

Loup Dargent

someone mentioned essex girls?!smiley - drool

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