A Conversation for 'The FoLDers Arms'

The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area

Post 2781


Katrine...i dont think we ever really quite grow up do we!...lol

The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area

Post 2782

Loup Dargent

mmmmmm... _now_ i remember the title...smiley - steam

twas "barbarella"... just in case someone is interested...smiley - whistle

twas a lot of simulposts ago...smiley - biggrin

smiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area

Post 2783

Reality Manipulator

I am invisible, no-one can hear me. I am using my Jedi mind tricks to convince people not to take any notice of my postings.smiley - smiley

I still look like a teenager. I have 39 and I have seen people in their mid twenties look alot older than me as well as those in their late teens.smiley - smiley


The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area

Post 2784

Jessypeeps (Someone Please Remove This Worthless Heart)


dont confuse me, i no its not hard but just dont lmao. im never in the damn house im always running about here there and every where im pretty busy these days

The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area

Post 2785



I wish i was out, but, im too paranoid lol

Anyways, im gonna go now hun.

To everyone in here, i bid a goodnight.
Try not to get too drunk.

Whoa, ive left a pub totally sober,
what the f**k is wrong with me lol


The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area

Post 2786

Jessypeeps (Someone Please Remove This Worthless Heart)

night night hunni x

The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area

Post 2787

Loup Dargent

katrine: does it work?!...smiley - smiley

mmmmm... not really, as i'm asking, i suppose...smiley - biggrin

but yep... some people do look older than their age... i've noticed that a lot...smiley - wow

smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrink

The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area

Post 2788


Katrine..well dont complain about that...lol vera veins and stetch marks n saggier thann used to be bits aint all their cracked up to be!!.smiley - laugh...n thats just what having kids does to you!..neen told i dont look a day over 19 though smiley - whistle

The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area

Post 2789

Loup Dargent

night bryan...smiley - biggrin

i _might_ manage to reply to your other message... eventually...smiley - smiley

talk soon....smiley - bubbly

The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area

Post 2790

Jessypeeps (Someone Please Remove This Worthless Heart)

Oh Well Guys Im Off See You Later

Jessypeeps xxx

The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area

Post 2791


Night ...hic..

The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area

Post 2792

Loup Dargent

night night

The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area

Post 2793


Wonders if thees any smiley - stiffdrinkleft

The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area

Post 2794

Reality Manipulator

smiley - cheerssmiley - tasmiley - oksmiley - smileysmiley - laugh Loup & JustMe.

I am very petite - built which I the reason I look so young.smiley - smiley

Recently someone has mistaken me for a teenager. It also depends alot in how I dress.smiley - laugh


The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area

Post 2795

Reality Manipulator

Good night Bryan, Good night jessypeeps, Good night Loup and Good Night JustMe.smiley - smiley


The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area

Post 2796


smiley - stiffdrink..yay found some..crawls back to bar stool...

The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area

Post 2797


ive not gone yet..hic..was just slurring night at everyone who was going...lol

The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area

Post 2798

Loup Dargent

night katrine...smiley - smiley

more smiley - stiffdrinks?!...smiley - cool

the youngsters didn't drink much tonight....smiley - biggrin

that's more for us...smiley - cheers

smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrink

The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area

Post 2799

Loup Dargent

same here...smiley - biggrin i'm still here...

ws just making sure that they were going so that we can drink proper at last....smiley - winkeye

smiley - stiffdrink

The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area

Post 2800


Loup...dont be wicked!...hic..smiley - laugh(muttered from under the table)

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