A Conversation for 'The FoLDers Arms'
The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area
Serephina Posted Feb 8, 2003
Katrine...i dont think we ever really quite grow up do we!...lol
The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area
Loup Dargent Posted Feb 8, 2003
mmmmmm... _now_ i remember the title...
twas "barbarella"... just in case someone is interested...
twas a lot of simulposts ago...
The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area
Reality Manipulator Posted Feb 8, 2003
I am invisible, no-one can hear me. I am using my Jedi mind tricks to convince people not to take any notice of my postings.
I still look like a teenager. I have 39 and I have seen people in their mid twenties look alot older than me as well as those in their late teens.
The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area
Jessypeeps (Someone Please Remove This Worthless Heart) Posted Feb 8, 2003
dont confuse me, i no its not hard but just dont lmao. im never in the damn house im always running about here there and every where im pretty busy these days
The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area
U218403 Posted Feb 8, 2003
I wish i was out, but, im too paranoid lol
Anyways, im gonna go now hun.
To everyone in here, i bid a goodnight.
Try not to get too drunk.
Whoa, ive left a pub totally sober,
what the f**k is wrong with me lol
The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area
Jessypeeps (Someone Please Remove This Worthless Heart) Posted Feb 8, 2003
night night hunni x
The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area
Loup Dargent Posted Feb 8, 2003
katrine: does it work?!...
mmmmm... not really, as i'm asking, i suppose...
but yep... some people do look older than their age... i've noticed that a lot...
The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area
Serephina Posted Feb 8, 2003
Katrine..well dont complain about that...lol vera veins and stetch marks n saggier thann used to be bits aint all their cracked up to be!!....n thats just what having kids does to you!..neen told i dont look a day over 19 though
The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area
Jessypeeps (Someone Please Remove This Worthless Heart) Posted Feb 8, 2003
Oh Well Guys Im Off See You Later
Jessypeeps xxx
The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area
Reality Manipulator Posted Feb 8, 2003
Loup & JustMe.
I am very petite - built which I the reason I look so young.
Recently someone has mistaken me for a teenager. It also depends alot in how I dress.
The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area
Serephina Posted Feb 8, 2003
ive not gone yet..hic..was just slurring night at everyone who was going...lol
The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area
Loup Dargent Posted Feb 8, 2003
same here... i'm still here...
ws just making sure that they were going so that we can drink proper at last....
Key: Complain about this post
The Lders' Bar: The Bar Area
- 2781: Serephina (Feb 8, 2003)
- 2782: Loup Dargent (Feb 8, 2003)
- 2783: Reality Manipulator (Feb 8, 2003)
- 2784: Jessypeeps (Someone Please Remove This Worthless Heart) (Feb 8, 2003)
- 2785: U218403 (Feb 8, 2003)
- 2786: Jessypeeps (Someone Please Remove This Worthless Heart) (Feb 8, 2003)
- 2787: Loup Dargent (Feb 8, 2003)
- 2788: Serephina (Feb 8, 2003)
- 2789: Loup Dargent (Feb 8, 2003)
- 2790: Jessypeeps (Someone Please Remove This Worthless Heart) (Feb 8, 2003)
- 2791: Serephina (Feb 8, 2003)
- 2792: Loup Dargent (Feb 8, 2003)
- 2793: Serephina (Feb 8, 2003)
- 2794: Reality Manipulator (Feb 8, 2003)
- 2795: Reality Manipulator (Feb 8, 2003)
- 2796: Serephina (Feb 8, 2003)
- 2797: Serephina (Feb 8, 2003)
- 2798: Loup Dargent (Feb 8, 2003)
- 2799: Loup Dargent (Feb 8, 2003)
- 2800: Serephina (Feb 8, 2003)
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