A Conversation for Waukegan, Illinois, USA

Peer Review: A9112259 - Waukegan, Illinois, USA

Post 1


Entry: Waukegan, Illinois, USA - A9112259
Author: MJ - [Do you need Worry Dolls under your pillow?] - U168592

A Flea Market Rescue, Original Entry here: A651575

Not much to be found about this small city - did what I could with the original and added some more links.

Any more ideas?

MJ smiley - ok

A9112259 - Waukegan, Illinois, USA

Post 2

aka Bel - A87832164

Probably only showing my lack of language knowledge here , but :

smiley - star Overtime - Over time ?
smiley - star Waukegan middle school is named for him - named after him ?

I really didn't intend to preview yet another entry, so just picked out what I thought wasn't correct. smiley - smiley

A9112259 - Waukegan, Illinois, USA

Post 3


smiley - ta Bels.

I've fixed up those bits with a little rewrite too.

smiley - cheers

A9112259 - Waukegan, Illinois, USA

Post 4

aka Bel - A87832164

Oh, and yet another thing I'm not quite sure aout :
>> Decent but expensive Italian food can be found in the near deserted downtown.<<

What's the point of expensive restaurants if the downtown is deserted ? Or did you mean to say it is nearly deserted ? If not, would nearby deserted downtown be an option ? smiley - smiley

A9112259 - Waukegan, Illinois, USA

Post 5


You know, I'm not too sure about that either smiley - erm. Have fixed it up, hope it's clearer now smiley - smiley

A9112259 - Waukegan, Illinois, USA

Post 6


Any more suggestions? smiley - smiley

A9112259 - Waukegan, Illinois, USA

Post 7

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

It does need to be more in paragraph form than it is currently, which is rather like a list of sentences.

Before the economic problems, what sort of industry was Waukegan known for? In what ways is it different from the surrounding towns? Most of the sections could use some expanding as well -- after reading this, I still don't know much of anything about what to do, where to eat, or what the city is known for. For example, the section on Shriner College could say some more. Is it founded or funded by the shriners? What is the connection with U-Chicago? What sort of students go there? What things are there for members of the community to do there, since it's mentioned later as a thing to do?

smiley - cheers

A9112259 - Waukegan, Illinois, USA

Post 8


Thanks Mikey,

I've altered the Entry a little, will add some more about food and culture in Waukegan at a later date, it's getting past my bedtime here smiley - winkeye

MJ smiley - ok

A9112259 - Waukegan, Illinois, USA

Post 9

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Ok. smiley - cheers Stop by and post here in the thread when you've had a chance to add some more.

A9112259 - Waukegan, Illinois, USA

Post 10


Might do that. Might do that indeed. Tis a might fine offer. smiley - winkeye

A9112259 - Waukegan, Illinois, USA

Post 11


There we go, updated and rejigged smiley - smiley

MJ smiley - ok

A9112259 - Waukegan, Illinois, USA

Post 12


The format looks fine now, as does everything else about the entry. This looks to me like just the sort of thing Douglas Adams founded h2g2 for: the sharing of useful local knowledge. Good work! smiley - oksmiley - applause

A9112259 - Waukegan, Illinois, USA

Post 13


Thanks a lot Orm, that means a great deal and has given me a smiley - biggrin

smiley - cheers


A9112259 - Waukegan, Illinois, USA

Post 14


Glad to hear it, MJ! Great links too, by the way! smiley - ok

A9112259 - Waukegan, Illinois, USA

Post 15


smiley - ta Prides meself on me links I do smiley - winkeye

A9112259 - Waukegan, Illinois, USA

Post 16


Aha! Ten! smiley - biggrin

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Post 17

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Post 18


smiley - applause

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Post 19


wee! smiley - cheers

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Post 20


smiley - applausesmiley - ok

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