The Homely Homily: This week, The Archdruid of Camembert....

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Watch where you chop, laddy, there's a sprite in these here woods... and she's got a chainsaw!

Once more into the breach, with another episode in our attempt to broaden the minds and the ears of the listeners with the varying and Sunday musings of the threads from the loom of the cultural and religious diversity of our great world.

This week, we have the honor to host the Archdruid of Camambert,
Monsignor Renee De Moonsickle Free Horizon-rider, MD, PhD, VAT, MSRP, a significant catch for us or any eligible single priestess of the Reformed Wiccan Church of the Reassumed Mantle, Eastern Division, Stringless.

The Archdruid's skills as an orator have stood him in good stead at many a Charity Auction and Divorce proceeding. His skills as a musician and poet have assisted him in his published and recorded works.

His candleworks and foundry have produced some of the finest scented and wrought items to be sold for charity and the rebuilding of the earliest known Celtic Druidian industrial areas in the northern islands.

He hopes at some future time to found a University of Iberian Aboriginal Sciences. A documentary about his efforts to raise Government and Private funds is on the Bravo channel in the US right now. It is called "With pointed hat in hand: The willingness to beg so that the Past can have a Future". The Archdruid also wrote the music for that film.

And now... the fellow himself!


I thank the powers that be and were and will be for the chance to stand before you all and speak.

I feel that I have a calling to speak early and often to those who feel a calling to listen.

We live in an age that has been preceded by so many.

What separates our age from any other?

What separates ourselves from our predecessors?

I honestly don't know.

I have wandered and wondered far and wide seeking answers, all the while trying out new questions.

I have no hope of being enlightened any more than I already have been blessed with.

I have no signposts to plant in your consciousnesses. Just a little light that I can shine on the ones that may already be there, just waiting.

Not that it can't be a bit of a sin to be too introspective. Sometimes, the whole meaning of your life can be found in your relationships. The one's that you choose and the one's that just pop up, maybe in your way.

Move among yourselves, I say, because standing still can only be useful for observation and avoidance. Move among yourselves, helping and reaching.

A little change is better than clutching an old bill.

Look around you, what can you change?

Seek to change, even me.

Maybe I need changing, but I don't know how to.

Infants need changing, and so do adults.

I do not try to baffle with allegory.

I just try to solve you with a mystery.

The mystery of life can be all right and you can let it be a mystery without loosing any part of your reason.

Let me end with a benediction:

Go and do as little harm as you can manage,

apologizing often along the way.

I am truly sorry.

Go in peace.

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