A Conversation for Is Islam a religion of destruction?
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G Posted Feb 7, 2003
I too will get my copy of the Qu'ran and consider your reply, but will explain now why I I raised the questions, and the background to the information & events that my initial reply was based on.
After September the 11th, I contacted various mosques in Edinburgh (on September 12th) attempting to find out about Islam, and how or why a religion could be used to justify such murder. I eventually managed to make contact with one Mosque that was willing to discuss this with me, and met over 5 or 6 meetings various members of the Mosque, including a UK convert.
At the time, I knew nothing of Islam, and entered my studies in a spirit of hope. On my first visit, I collected various pieces of literature from a variety of very militant organisations, most of which were promoting Jihad and offering training in "religious schools" in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Chechnya. I found out later that this particular Mosque was Saudi funded, and the Imams had been trained in the Wahabi school, and therefore took the more militant vein of Islam, and it is on this interpretation that the foundation to my introduction to your religion is based, not some anti islamic website or book.
By my fourth visit, the Jihadi literature from the entrance to the Mosque was gone. When I asked why it had been removed, I was told it had never been there in the first place. When I produced the papers I had collected, all knowledge of them was denied. This was not a healthy introduction to Islam. Later, when I read the Qu'ran regarding when Muslims are alowed to lie, their behaviour became clear and understandable.
From this, you can perhaps understand why I entered the Mosque with hope, and left beleiving that the last great war of ideologies was on the way. I will also point out that the passages I quoted are the same passages quoted by the facist arm of Islam to justify terrorism. If you want a list of websites promoting this arm of Islam, I will provide them, and you will see, if you have not done so already, that my source material was not anti islamic, but Islamofacism. The current upsurge in Islamic Terrorism, the Twin Towers, Bali, over 300 arrests in the UK alone, the discovery of Bio warfare suits, armaments and false papers in Finsbury Park Mosque, the manufacture of Ricin in London, with planned simultaneous attacks on the new year celebrations in London and Edinburgh and the Murder of a policeman in Manchester all show us that islamic terrorism is happening now. The perpetrators are not Budhists, Christians, Zooroastrians, Hindus or any other of the worlds 138 one true religions.
They are Muslim, and justify their actions from the passages that I have quoted. Perhaps in showing me where I am wrong, you will simulltaneously be able to show these people that they are wrong.
Nothing would give me greater pleasure or releif from the worry that we (East and West) are about to wipe each other out. I will take your reply and give it due consideration. It may take a few days, but bear with me, and please, if you can, prove me wrong in my beleif that Islam is an aggressive and domineering religion.
If you can do so, the greatest benificiary will be me.
Graham Spence
very interesting entry,...
G Posted Feb 7, 2003
I too will get my copy of the Qu'ran and consider your reply, but will explain now why I I raised the questions, and the background to the information & events that my initial reply was based on.
After September the 11th, I contacted various mosques in Edinburgh (on September 12th) attempting to find out about Islam, and how or why a religion could be used to justify such murder. I eventually managed to make contact with one Mosque that was willing to discuss this with me, and met over 5 or 6 meetings various members of the Mosque, including a UK convert.
At the time, I knew nothing of Islam, and entered my studies in a spirit of hope. On my first visit, I collected various pieces of literature (from the foyer of the Mosque) from a variety of very militant organisations, most of which were promoting Jihad and offering training in "religious schools" in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Chechnya. I found out later that this particular Mosque was Saudi funded, and the Imams had been trained in the Wahabi school, and therefore took the more militant vein of Islam, and it is on this interpretation that the foundation to my introduction to your religion is based, not some anti islamic website or book.
By my fourth visit, the Jihadi literature from the entrance to the Mosque was gone. When I asked why it had been removed, I was told it had never been there in the first place. When I produced the papers I had collected, all knowledge of them was denied. This was not a healthy introduction to Islam. Later, when I read the Qu'ran regarding when Muslims are alowed to lie, their behaviour became clear and understandable.
From this, you can perhaps understand why I entered the Mosque with hope, and left beleiving that the last great war of ideologies was on the way. I will also point out that the passages I quoted are the same passages quoted by the facist arm of Islam to justify terrorism. If you want a list of websites promoting this arm of Islam, I will provide them, and you will see, if you have not done so already, that my source material was not anti islamic, but Islamofacism. The current upsurge in Islamic Terrorism, the Twin Towers, Bali, over 300 arrests in the UK alone, the discovery of Bio warfare suits, armaments and false papers in Finsbury Park Mosque, the manufacture of Ricin in London, with planned simultaneous attacks on the new year celebrations in London and Edinburgh and the Murder of a policeman in Manchester all show us that islamic terrorism is happening now. The perpetrators are not Budhists, Christians, Zooroastrians, Hindus or any other of the worlds 138 one true religions.
They are Muslim, and justify their actions from the passages that I have quoted. Perhaps in showing me where I am wrong, you will simulltaneously be able to show these people that they are wrong.
Nothing would give me greater pleasure or releif from the worry that we (East and West) are about to wipe each other out. I will take your reply and give it due consideration. It may take a few days, but bear with me, and please, if you can, prove me wrong in my beleif that Islam is an aggressive and domineering religion.
If you can do so, the greatest benificiary will be me.
Graham Spence
very interesting entry,...
Rik Bailey Posted Feb 7, 2003
No problem. I know there are some 'muslims' out there like that but they do not really reflect the truth of the religion. For instance Muslims are Hadith and are backed up from a few Quranic passages.
They are:
Allah bases things on intention and not just action. If you intend to do some thing good but was not able to do it then Allah will give you credit for a good dead, if you do it then he will give you credit for 10 to 10,000 good deads as Allah knows best. If you intend to hurt some one and do bad but then do not do it then you will be put down for a good dead as you did not go through with it. If you intend a bad dead and do it then you are put down for bad deads.
For example if I gave you some friendly advice that I thought was helpfull but was not I would be rewarded for the act of intention. But if I delibratly advised you so you would get in trouble then I would be punished.
Another good one to remember is who ever kills one person (with out cause) will be like he has killed all mankind, who ever saves a person it will be like he saved all mankind.
Meaning when you die if you killed some one (murder) then you will be punished as if you killed all people. Where as if you save some one you will be rewarded as if you had saved all humans.
You can see why so many Muslims want to becaom doctors now can't you.
"I contacted various mosques in Edinburgh (on September 12th) attempting to find out about Islam, and how or why a religion could be used to justify such murder. I eventually managed to make contact with one Mosque that was willing to discuss this with me, and met over 5 or 6 meetings various members of the Mosque, including a UK convert."
Glad you did try to find out about Islam. You will be rewarded for your intention of seeking truth. If your ever going down to Birmingham or near there let me know and we can met up and chat about these things if you wish and take you to a better mosque if you like. It seems the Mosques you visited where not very friendly that sadens me as the spirit of Islam is to be warm and friendly with all people even your enermies. (referring to treat them fairly and have respect for them).
Jihad is actually a noble thing in the right context. That is that you remember that Jihad means struggle nothing more and nothing less. For instance I have to struggle against people I know who try to discredit what I believe in and students struggle to complete there education these are all forms of Jihad. But in the Quran we are referring it as to struggle in the way of Allah which I said about in the entry. Jihad is never ever written in the Quran as Jihad war and there is never any that says Jihad is war. These Jihad camps you mentioned to exist but there purpose (originally) was to train people so that when the time comes you can protect your family and faith and property. For instance the People in palestine. A righteous act here would be Muslims from all over the wotld to go there and help protect other Muslims (and Christians to a extent) property and faith. This is what them camps are for so that Muslims can help bring peace to areas where there is bad. What it does not supposed to do is create terrorists. Unfortunatly these camps seem to help give fighters to people like Osama bin Laden. unfortunatly what is happenng in the world is that people (like Osama) think that they know what there doing and think they can exploit innercent Muslims to join there cause which is actually not Islamic. The Problem lies with the fact that there a lot of Muslims out there these days who do not know the Quran as well as they should and are so easily guided away from the right path.
On a personal note I am not goint to Palestine because there is no point. It would be classified as suicide so in stead I figh Jihad on the west from this end. By trying to show people the truth about Islam so that there is better understanding in the world.
"This was not a healthy introduction to Islam. Later, when I read the Qu'ran regarding when Muslims are alowed to lie, their behaviour became clear and understandable."
What exactly are you referring to here? Sura and verses please. Just want to understand in what context your saying here.
"The current upsurge in Islamic Terrorism, the Twin Towers, Bali, over 300 arrests in the UK alone, the discovery of Bio warfare suits, armaments and false papers in Finsbury Park Mosque, the manufacture of Ricin in London, with planned simultaneous attacks on the new year celebrations in London and Edinburgh and the Murder of a policeman in Manchester all show us that islamic terrorism is happening now. The perpetrators are not Budhists, Christians, Zooroastrians, Hindus or any other of the worlds 138 one true religions.
They are Muslim, and justify their actions from the passages that I have quoted. Perhaps in showing me where I am wrong, you will simulltaneously be able to show these people that they are wrong."
Ok the 300 arrests in the UK how many are actually guilty and how many have been tried in a court of law?
These people say there Muslims but in reality there actions are unislamic. The Killing of citizans in Islam is strickly not allowed. Simple as that reaaly These people may have have been Muslims once but they are not now. They can be again if they stop and repent and learn there mistakes. To All you budding Muslims out there wishing to become a Martyr don't bother your choice will lead you to the hell fire.
Tell you what my Email is [email protected] or [email protected] drop us a line and I will get round to sending you some proper leaflets on the subject of Islam and give you a good history book of Islamic history. For Know read about Sallahudin and about the Prophet (pbuh) in decent History books. I will look up some decent web sites for you on Islam to read.
Of course the easyist way for me to prove Islam is peacefull is by reading the Quran anh Hadith which you say you are doing. Click on the Muzaakboy sign thing above so you can see my home page on this site. I have much work on Islam on there to. If you are going to read a Quran then get a decent copy of it with translation and commentry for you. That way it will be easier for you to understand. Plus Any questions then ask on here of E mail me.
A good Muslim preaches what the Quran says through his actions and what he says. In other words a Muslim should be a example of the Quran and Hadith in motion as best as he can.
very interesting entry,...
Rik Bailey Posted Feb 7, 2003
oh here are some sites for you. the first one is about the Taliban.
though this one has a few bits wrong with it but hey it is still worth looking at.
These may be helpfull for you. Hey give us a list of those sites you found I would love to point out a few things to them.
very interesting entry,...
Rik Bailey Posted Feb 11, 2003
High. Just some advice. When getting a Quran make sure you get one translated by a Muslim as some none Muslim translaters do not give a accurate translation.
If you can get one from A. Yusaf Ali as it is more accurate than most others. Or I could send you one if you wish.
Anyway have you any questions at all you want answering.
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