The Homely Homily: This Week, Rabbi Menaheim SlivIvovitch.

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I'm tired, you're tired, God's tired. Whats to do?

In our continuing effort to make up for our myriad and various sins, the folks at Irritating Public Radio, Your Friends In The Air, once again present a statement of faith from an esteemed or, at least, highly estimated, member of the serious clergy (sorry, Archbishop... Druid or Priest, your pick).

This week we have been burnished with pride at the thought that we could have even a moment of this prize-winning gardener, prize-winning novelist, prize-winning Channel swimmer and prize-winning father of genius female triplets (two of whom are now on Broadway in the chorus line of "Hairspray")'s time and a word or two from his word processor.

Thus, it is with wide hearts and extended hands, that we welcome Rabbi Menaheim Slivivovitch, from the Sayde Marks Memorial Temple and Kosher Roller Rink, in Demorest End, Dorstep.

Rabbi M. S.:

My most sincere apologies to those listening.

I was so busy today that I entirely forgot to scribble something for this occasion.

Somebody remind me...

It's a... what? Wedding? I see heads shaking no.

It's not a Bris, is it? Emphatic waves and shaking heads.

Okay, getting warmer, I think.

My wife is looking sadly at me.

Evidently it should be something obvious to anyone from Chelm...
Which I'm not, so they have the advantage...

No, I don't mean you guys are from Chelm...

Now the wife is turning her back on me. Lucky me.

Ah, she is now holding up a placard... lemme get the specs... Ah, ah, a rad-I-o pro-gramme... Oh.

I have remarks for that, here, in my pocket. There we are. Remarks.



Nice remarks on yellow 3X5 cards, neatly, neatly...Uh?

More gestures. "Deep and Wide"? No, that's not it.

"When the roll is called up yonder?" No?

"Old Man River"?

"Take a message to Mary"?

"New York Mining Disaster, 1941"? No?

The rabbitzem is tearing hair from her wig...such a nice wig... agood wig, a neat wig...

She is gesturing to the cards... The remarks... She is miming pointing to them. Reading them. Ah, she wants to read them! Ah, come here my dear, come on in, you can do it. I will let you...

Got my wires crossed again. Yes. She is throwing things at the glass.
Locking the door to the booth. Walking away through the EXIT door. Ah.
There must be a message here... somewhere... She loves her little allegories, always so philosophical, she is...

A wife fit for Moses, I always...


I guess I'll be taking the bus. Yes. That must be the message. And, that, good people, is our message for today. Thank you, and Mazol Tov to you, the Lord willing.

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