A Conversation for Wheat Beer Varieties

You found a lot!

Post 1

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

And you truly earned your degree as a researcher smiley - winkeye

Franziskaner followed by Schneider (but the latter *only* if consumed at their premises in the pedestrian zone) would be my preferences. But these two are beaten by some non-Munich types: Karg Weißbier, made by a small brewery in Murnau (Staffelsee), and on top of all, Gutmanns Weizen. The name says it all smiley - biggrin hmmmmmm, their Weizenbock is just ... smiley - drool

You found a lot!

Post 2


thanks for the views Bossel, i want to make the main article as comprehensive as possible so if it's o.k i'll add your additons to the main text and credit you.

You found a lot!

Post 3

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Of course, please!
The Gutmann brewery resides in a small town called Titting (this will make Germans smile for some un-explainable smiley - smiley reason) in the Altmühl valley. Their Weizenbock is only available from end of November to sometime between end of December and mid January and you'll have to be there to get your share, because it's their hommage to the dark season and everybody likes it. I've got half of my share together by now, and will be completing it next weekend smiley - biggrin -- which is to say that I've made it my one-and-only and I need to replenish my stocks before the stuff goes out of sale.

You found a lot!

Post 4

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

arrgh... That was meant to be 'end of November to mid of January'

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