The Hootoo Peace and Justice Alliance
Created | Updated Feb 23, 2003
SHINY AND NEW: 2/23/03 A976421 - Essay Forum
I'm just sending out feelers at this point to see if there's interest. Possible purpose could be to promote dialogue on peace and justice issues, encourage real-life participation in causes close to our hearts, and to share sources of information. Hopefully to educate *and* entertain.
Could involve group writing projects or essay/poetry circles, pledges for activity (i.e. agreeing to participate in rallies, teach-ins, letter writing, things of that nature)
Pet Causes, Links, Etc.
Again, causes and organizations that move us, links we've happened across, great articles
Chomsky, Zapata, Che, Marx..the movers and shakers..let's learn about the history of revolutionary thinkers.
So what do you think? Post below, if interested.