Alec Empire

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Alec Empire is a musician who fronts brilliant punk/techno band Atari Teenage Riot and has a solo career in his own right. He's made huge amounts of albums which cover everything from all out noise to minimalist ambience.
He began work in the late 80's as a DJ in underground clubs, before meeting up with future bandmate Hanin Elias and deciding techno with no real message or meaning wasn't for them. This happened because neo-nazis were attacking foreigners and they decided that this wasn't right.
They formed a band called Atari Teenage Riot with Carl Crack and toured the world and made albums including 1995's "Delete yourself" and 1997's "The future of war" for many years to get there message across. In 1999 Nic Endo (A Japanese/German female) joined the band and they became even more extreme making 1999's "Sixty second wipe out" and 2000's "Live at Brixton academy" before taking a break to do solo work.
However, disaster struck as on the 6th of September Carl Crack was found dead in a hotel room. The death was belived to be drug related. The rest of the band were shocked and upset, so all releases were put back to the start of 2002. Alec has since made an album (Intelligence and sacrifice), a DVD (Death favours the enemy) and released an Atari B-sides compilation (Redefine the enemy). The other members of the band have also made solo albums (too numerous to mention here).
The remaining members of Atari will discuss the situation in early 2003.
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