A Conversation for Luna's Friendly Chat room.

xxxx Pia || xxxx

Post 301

Cazz - the angel with a magical touch.

I think 4 minutes is 4 days by Telewest's terms! smiley - laugh
xxxxxxxxxxsmiley - hugxxxxxxx

xxxx Pia || xxxx

Post 302

Dave M - touched by an angel once known as Caroline400

It seems a long time since we chatted in her Cazz.
It does work remarkably well.
xxxxxxxxsmiley - cuddlexxxxxxxx

xxxx Pia || xxxx

Post 303

Cazz - the angel with a magical touch.

Page 16 already!!!
They fill up so fast.
xxxxxxxsmiley - hugxxxxxxxx

xxxx Pia || xxxx

Post 304

Dave M - touched by an angel once known as Caroline400

Err... her should ahve been here! lolsmiley - biggrin
xxxxxxxxsmiley - hugxxxxxxxx

xxxx Pia || xxxx

Post 305

Cazz - the angel with a magical touch.

Yeah, it does work ok. Do you want to stay here now or can I phone you for a wee while?
xxxxxxxxxsmiley - hugxxxxxxxx

xxxx Pia || xxxx

Post 306

Dave M - touched by an angel once known as Caroline400

Here's your award for posting 300.
smiley - rosesmiley - discosmiley - rose
smiley - discosmiley - rosesmiley - disco
smiley - rosesmiley - discosmiley - rose
smiley - hugHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGsmiley - hug
xxxxxxxxsmiley - cuddlexxxxxxxx

xxxx Pia || xxxx

Post 307

Dave M - touched by an angel once known as Caroline400

I would love you to phone me Cazz.
I'll just put the wires back for Moira.
xxxxxxxxsmiley - cuddlexxxxxxxx

xxxx Pia || xxxx

Post 308

Cazz - the angel with a magical touch.

Errrr...Thank you for my prize! I wasn't aware I'd got posting 300!!smiley - laugh

xxxx Pia || xxxx

Post 309

Cazz - the angel with a magical touch.

Good Morning Dave, I am here fairly early this morning. Haven't looked if you are here or not yet.
I'm sorry to say my email is still not workingsmiley - steam I'm fed up with it now. At least I can still get in here with my other addy.
I'm going to do my replies now but I'll look out for you.
I hope you slept well.
smiley - love ya lots,
Megasmiley - monstersmiley - hug's
and xxxxxxxx's
from Cazzsmiley - angel

xxxx Pia || xxxx

Post 310

Cazz - the angel with a magical touch.

Well, that's my replies done for now. Just checked email and it was the samesmiley - grr
I'm going to get some breakfast now. I'll wait in h2g2 till I see you.
xxxxxxxxxsmiley - cuddlexxxxxxxx

xxxx Pia || xxxx

Post 311

Cazz - the angel with a magical touch.

Just noshed my breakfast and I have just spotted you onlinesmiley - smiley
How are you Dave? I've missed you.
xxxxxxxxsmiley - hugxxxxxxx

xxxx Pia || xxxx

Post 312

Cazz - the angel with a magical touch.

smiley - wah I don't think you are talking to mesmiley - wah I'm going to go and sit in the corner and smiley - wah

smiley - biggrin Come on then, where are you!???smiley - laugh
xxxxxxxxxsmiley - hugxxxxxxxx

xxxx Pia || xxxx

Post 313

Dave M - touched by an angel once known as Caroline400

Good morning Cazz,
it is so good to see you.
I couldn't get interactive at all this morning and when I eventually did I still had to wait 4 minutes for email.
I got into h2g2 and when I clicked on Pia. I had to unplug.
You could say I've had a frustrating morning. smiley - steam
How are you Cazz, and did you sleep well? I have thought about you so much.

smiley - love ya lots,
smiley - monstersmiley - hug's
and smiley - smooch's
and a smiley - rose just for you
from Dave.
xxxxxxxxsmiley - cuddlexxxxxxxx

xxxx Pia || xxxx

Post 314

Dave M - touched by an angel once known as Caroline400

Moira says good morning Cazz and sends you her <lovesmiley - hug's and xxxxxxxs

xxxx Pia || xxxx

Post 315

Cazz - the angel with a magical touch.

It is so good to see you Davesmiley - smiley
I'm ok. I slept fairly well but woke very early.
Sorry to hear about all your problems this morningsmiley - hug
Please say thanks to Moira and pass on my smiley - lovesmiley - hug's and xxxxxxxxxxx's too.
xxxxxxxxsmiley - hugxxxxxxx

xxxx Pia || xxxx

Post 316

Dave M - touched by an angel once known as Caroline400

There were loads of emails in Moira's email from the server.
All the ones she sent to me have been delayed.
Obviously we are not receiving them either.
xxxxxxxxsmiley - hugxxxxxxxx

xxxx Pia || xxxx

Post 317

Cazz - the angel with a magical touch.

I forgot to thank you for the beautiful smiley - rose
You're a sweetie, thank you.
xxxxxxxxxsmiley - hugxxxxxxxxx

xxxx Pia || xxxx

Post 318

Dave M - touched by an angel once known as Caroline400

I got a letter from Forward Press this morning. They have a new website. As a contributer I have been given a username and password. (fat lot of good it will do mesmiley - biggrin) You should get one too Cazz.
xxxxxxxxsmiley - cuddlexxxxxxxx

xxxx Pia || xxxx

Post 319

Cazz - the angel with a magical touch.

Oh what a pain! It is so annoying. I was really hoping it would be ok this morning.
xxxxxxxxsmiley - hugxxxxxxx

xxxx Pia || xxxx

Post 320

Cazz - the angel with a magical touch.

I'll look out for that in the post. Mind you, I haven't heard from them in a while. I think they have given up on me!smiley - laugh
xxxxxxxxxsmiley - hugxxxxxxx

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