A Conversation for Luna's Friendly Chat room.

xxxx Pia || xxxx

Post 261

Dave M - touched by an angel once known as Caroline400

Hi Cazz,
sorry I was so long.
I still have to wait 4 minutes and prior to that I couldn't get into email at all for error codes.
Have you had a nice day and
how are you this evening Cazz?
xxxxxxxxsmiley - cuddlexxxxxxxx

xxxx Pia || xxxx

Post 262

Dave M - touched by an angel once known as Caroline400

Moira is fine apart from a sore ankle Cazz and says thank you. She sends her smiley - lovesmiley - hug's and xxxxxxs to you.
How has Michael been today?
xxxxxxxxsmiley - cuddlexxxxxxxx
ps Yes I tried the box to see wed like. Do you want it left like that?

xxxx Pia || xxxx

Post 263

Cazz - the angel with a magical touch.

It is good to see you Dave, I'd only just messaged you!
I'm ok..ish. My tummy is still a bit painful but I'll live!smiley - laugh
How are you feeling?

xxxx Pia || xxxx

Post 264

Dave M - touched by an angel once known as Caroline400

The keys must have locked on the ps.
Oh the joys of Telewest! smiley - biggrin
xxxxxxxxsmiley - hugxxxxxxxx

xxxx Pia || xxxx

Post 265

Cazz - the angel with a magical touch.

What has Moira done to her ankle? Say thanks to her and give her an extra smiley - hug from me.
Michael is fine thanks.
I like the box on my page Dave, please leave it like it issmiley - hug
xxxxxxxxsmiley - cuddlexxxxxxxx

xxxx Pia || xxxx

Post 266

Dave M - touched by an angel once known as Caroline400

It's good to see you too Cazz, I have thought about you lots.
I am OK, all the aches developed during the day have melted away! smiley - biggrin
xxxxxxxxsmiley - cuddlexxxxxxxx

xxxx Pia || xxxx

Post 267

Cazz - the angel with a magical touch.

I found my old LD sis on here todaysmiley - smiley I have messaged her. She has said that she isn't in here much but it would be nice to have contact with her again.
xxxxxxxxxsmiley - hugxxxxxxx

xxxx Pia || xxxx

Post 268

Dave M - touched by an angel once known as Caroline400

She thinks it is just the arthritis she gets now and again.
xxxxxxxxxsmiley - cuddlexxxxxxxx

xxxx Pia || xxxx

Post 269

Cazz - the angel with a magical touch.

I'm glad the bath soothed your aches and pains from your hard day at work.

xxxx Pia || xxxx

Post 270

Cazz - the angel with a magical touch.

smiley - yikes I forgot the tags on my hugs! I must think I'm in email! lol. You won't have seen my morning email then?
xxxxxxxxxsmiley - cuddlexxxxxxxx

xxxx Pia || xxxx

Post 271

Dave M - touched by an angel once known as Caroline400

Oh Cazz, that's great. Is that Jean? I once talked to her briefly when she was It's dreamy, then I got booted.
xxxxxxxxsmiley - cuddlexxxxxxxx

xxxx Pia || xxxx

Post 272

Dave M - touched by an angel once known as Caroline400

No Cazz, I haven't been able to get into my email at all.
xxxxxxxxsmiley - hugxxxxxxxx

xxxx Pia || xxxx

Post 273

Cazz - the angel with a magical touch.

Yes Dave, it is Jean. I was so pleasedsmiley - smiley
I had to phone Telewest today. My bill came and they has still not deducted the £7.49 for yoome2!!!
I played hell with them. They have done it now.
xxxxxxxxxsmiley - hugxxxxxx

xxxx Pia || xxxx

Post 274

Dave M - touched by an angel once known as Caroline400

The cursor is freezing badly and loading data is on the screen for ages.
xxxxxxxxsmiley - cuddlexxxxxxxx

xxxx Pia || xxxx

Post 275

Cazz - the angel with a magical touch.

It's a real pain not getting into email. I'm just glad this email addy worked and that I have a link for h2g2 in there.
xxxxxxxxxsmiley - hugxxxxxxxx

xxxx Pia || xxxx

Post 276

Cazz - the angel with a magical touch.

Yes Dave, it is like that here too. Very slow, it is so bugging!smiley - steam
xxxxxxxxsmiley - cuddlexxxxxxx

xxxx Pia || xxxx

Post 277

Dave M - touched by an angel once known as Caroline400

I think Telewest is just a tad incompenant! smiley - biggrin
xxxxxxxxsmiley - hugxxxxxxx

xxxx Pia || xxxx

Post 278

Dave M - touched by an angel once known as Caroline400

I was lucky too Cazz that Moira had a link for h2g2.
xxxxxxxxsmiley - cuddlexxxxxxxx

xxxx Pia || xxxx

Post 279

Cazz - the angel with a magical touch.

Yeah, well, we all know about Telewest! The less said the bettersmiley - laugh
Do you want to chat by phone a bit later on Dave?
xxxxxxxsmiley - hugxxxxxxxxxx

xxxx Pia || xxxx

Post 280

Dave M - touched by an angel once known as Caroline400

I would like to chat to you by phone Cazz, but only if that's what you want.
xxxxxxxxsmiley - cuddlexxxxxxxx

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