The Tweenies - A TV Programme

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It's time to come and play with the Tweenies!

- Tweenies Theme.

The Tweenies is a BBC Children's Television series based around the adventures that Bella, Jake, Fizz, Milo, Judy, Max and Doodles have during their time at their brightly-coloured play-group.

Who are the Tweenies?


Bella is a blue-skinned1, 5 year old girl. She is the oldest child in the group and the tallest too. She thinks she knows all the best things to do and is frankly a little bossy. Her favourite colour is red, her favourite foods are tomato soup, brown bread and ice-cream and her favourite drinks are milk and water2. She likes visiting her Gran, making dens in the garden, dressing up, clapping and reading.


Jake is an orange-skinned, 3 year old boy with a yellow mohican hair-cut. He is the smallest Tweenie and he takes great pride in his diminuitiveness3. His best friends are Milo and Max's dog Doodles. His favourite colour is green. He likes drinking milk (especially chocolate milk at his Grandad's house), and he loves eating bananas, carrots, rice and yogurt4. He enjoys making things and getting messy, especially where glue is evolved. He can still remember the time everyone got stuck together. He also likes frogs and spiders.

Jake has an alter-ego, Dot-Man, a super-hero who comes to life. To assist Jake in his role-play, he has a polka-dot cape, which he dons in his 'Dot-Man' persona.


Fizz is a yellow-skinned 3 (nearly 4) year old. Her favourite colour is pink, she likes beads in her hair and her best friend is Bella, even though she does help Jake sometimes. She likes drinking orange juice and eating carrots, pasta, pineapple and candy-floss5. Her favourite thing in the whole world is ballet-dancing but she appreciates other forms of dancing too. She particularly enjoys shiny things, painting and finding out about animals. Her favorite place is the seaside.


Milo is a purple-skinned 4 year old. His favorite colour is blue and his best mate is Jake. He likes sausages, apples, apple-juice, baked-beans and samosas6. He does not like bathtime or bedtime, but loves mealtimes. His favourite activity is rushing around, especially when pretending to be captain of his own space rocket. Milo has a strange habit of applying the suffix '... aroony' on to the end of words. For example, the Milofication of the word 'Hug' is 'Hugaroony'.


Judy is a green-skinned adult who co-runs the play-group with Max (see below). Her favourite colour is orange. She likes eating oranges too, and lots of other fruits and vegetables. She grows some of them in her garden at home, and the garden here at playgroup is one of her favourite places. Judy loves listening to music as long as it has a good tune. She also likes peppermint tea and painting.


Max is a red-skinned adult who co-runs the play-group with Judy. Doodles is his dog (he has had him since the mutt was a puppy) - and he comes along with him every day.
His favourite colour is purple and he loves drinking tea and gardening. He really likes living in town, although one of his favourite places to be is sitting in a deck-chair of the beach! His favourite activity is reading stories, because he can do all the different voices.


Doodles is a red and yellow, six-year old dog, vaguely resembling an Old English Sheepdog. His favourite colour is yellow and he loves eating his dog food, followed by a bone or two and some water. However, his all-time favourite food is pancakes. Doodles enjoys sleeping and making jokes, but also likes singing, joining in the clapping and sleeping on his bean bag. He does not like it when people are sad or are stuck up trees.


In 2002, a female companion for Doodles was introduced, Izzles. While she intially caused a bit of resentment from Doodles, he eventually learned to accept her as part of the family. Izzles is purple and white, barely a year old, and almost resembles a rather fat Saluki.

The Tweenies Phenomenon

Developed by children's pantomime producers Ian Lauchlan and Will Brenton, the show first hit the UK television screens in 1999. Aimed at the 3-5 year old age group, the Tweenies' blend of easily recognisable characters, boisterous singing and dancing and (thankfully) quieter story telling quickly made them the number one draw among pre-school children.

For the Christmas of 1999 merchandise demands far outstripped supply, and the chirpy upbeat renditions of traditional children's songs were so popular that an album and, incredibly, a nationwide tour were scheduled.

The actors playing the Tweenies, unlike their predecessors on Tellytubbies [Editorial Note: Tellytubbies entry being written. Be patient!], have remained unchanged and virtually anonymous throughout the shows lifespan. Whether this be from embarrassment or a desire to 'not spoil the magic' remains debatable.

1For 'skin', read 'cloth-covered expanded polystyrene foam and fibreglass'.2Not together.3Except when he can't do something.4Not all together.5Not all together.6Not all together.

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