A Conversation for Design by Committee
Windy Started conversation Jun 24, 1999
I like collecting gadgets, but I must agree with your 'ten-in-one' tool theory. I have a rule of thumb which is that if something claims to do more than two things, it won't do any of them very well.
A case in point is the Swiss Army Knife, which also explains why the Swiss have remained neutral for so long. The multi-purpose knives are no good for fighting with, so they just don't bother.
I believe that the Swiss Army Gun is in development. As well as being a gun, it will also have walking stick, a telescope, convert into a deckchair, and have a cuckoo clock built into the stock. There will also be a space for where the toothpick and tweezers should be, if you don't lose them in the first week.
Caveman, Evil Unix Sysadmin, betting shop operative, and SuDoku addict (Its an odd mix, but someone has to do it) Posted Jun 25, 1999
Not to mention the thing for getting stones out of horses hooves.
and that strange thing that looks like a hypodermic for massochists, although I'm reliably informed that it's a canvas needle.
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